impostor x sans

 Sans, like always, was napping. it was just that he was sleeping in a tree. he cracked his eye open a sliver and blinked away the rays of sun shining through the leaves. the leaves were heavy with dew, he could see the fat drops of water on top through the leaves. he sat up on the branch he was previously sleeping and noticed he clothes had been rained on. he looked around and realized he had fallen asleep at Impstors house after a party. no one had noticed he had fallen asleep in the tree and left him there. the yard (which the tree was in) was an average yard, had a grill in it. someone must've cleaned it up before he woke up. he slowly climbed out of the tree and made his way to the simple white house that was attached to the yard. once he walked it into the back hallway that led to the kitchen he saw the blood. bodies of little bodies like the Impostor were lying around the kitchen. they were different colors though. he turned to the fridge as he heard someone move. Imposter was standing at the stove that was next to the fridge. 'they will revive in 20 minutes, don't worry. this happens everyday.' imposter said this while flipping a pancake. 'what did they do to make you made this time?' impostor was known his short temper amongst his little space friends. he had always took advantage  of the whole revive thing. ' one of them tried to eat the pancake,' while he gestured to the blue body next to the bathroom door beside the stove. Sans shuffled up next to him to watch him make the pancake for a few moments until he realized he had came in to change clothes. he walked past the counter in the middle of the kitchen and past the bathroom to the hallway that led to the spare rooms.  he went to his spare room and got some of his spare clothes out and changed. he went back to the kitchen and the little space dudes had revived. they all sat down to eat breakfast. 

6 Kudos


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