Its annoying how if you mention feeling alone people reply with "well your not alone". I could be in the middle of thousands of people and still be alone. No one understands me and the battles i fight on a daily basis. I wish animals could talk then i wouldn't be alone, i rather be surround by animals then people, people suck and do nothing but hurt each other. It hurts when you finally find someone who you open up to and try to tell how your feeling and the monsters in my head, but get shut down and made to seem like the bad guy. yikes.... Damn Kyle if i wanted you to fix it i would've called bob the builder instead."can he fix it? YES HE CAN" anyway how am i supposed to open up and trust when every single time i do it turns in to an argument because he thinks I'm pointing finger and blaming. THEY ARE MY FEELINGS i can't help that you feel some form of guilt or whatever because of it. All i ever asked was for him to sit and listen not that half ass "uh huh" or try to pick them apart and tell me I'm wrong here and there and this is how we handle this. If i wanted solutions i would ask for them. I just really want, no NEED someone to just sit and listen and be supportive of the battles in my head. I'm drowning, the second i get my head above the water, where I'm floating above it all breathing, not out of the water yet another cinder block is added to my ankle like a anchor draggin me back under while I'm left gasping for breath, for life. Don't ever expect anyone to open up and share when the second they do you act like its a direct threat against you.
Dark waters of being Alone
1 Kudos
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