
I don’t think God is a being, I think God is a STATE of being. 

Christ consciousness.

Makes sense.

The same as spiritual people would refer to a higher state of consciousness as “enlightenment”. 

Christ consciousness = enlightenment.

All of the above merely being human-created words to describe a higher state of being, likely the very same state of being.

So why is it that claimed-to-be-spiritual people vilify religious folks?

“Because they have done evil.”

Ah, yes, and so have the spiritual.

It doesn’t matter if it’s called God, or Jesus, or Christ consciousness, or enlightenment. 

Quoting Eddie Griffin:
“The Christians say Jesus is the messenger. Muslims say Muhammad is the messenger. Who gives a fuck who the messenger is, the point is…did you get the message?”

Pray, meditate, whatever it is, devote yourself to something higher.

You won’t always be “godly”. You won’t always be “enlightened”.

You will bless people, you will manipulate people.
You will love people, you will curse people.
You will be good to people, you will be bad to people.

But the point of life to me seems to be to keep your focus on something higher than you, even your own awareness. Staying connected to something that is beyond your own comprehension.

Doesn’t matter what IT is, just to feel, & resonate with something higher than you.

But not externalizing it. Even this post is externalizing God a bit, but to those whom understand understand the FEELING that I am talking about. They remember that STATE OF BEING, & this post merely reminds them to reconnect-to, & align-with it.

Picture “peace”, “bliss”, “harmony”, and “God” not as an external idea but as an internal feeling, an emotion, a frequency, a vibration. A channel. A connection. 

Connect to that emotion. Connect to that channel. That feeling. That vibration.

God? Just a word. You can refer to god as Jerry for all God probably cares because it isn’t the name that matters.

Do not seek to find God, seek to align with “it”, with “him”, with “her”. With “the universe”.

Jesus said (doesn’t matter what color his skin was or if his name was actually Jesus) the “Most High”does not live in temples made by human hands.

Recognize folks & their energy, not the entities that they worship.

If someone reminds you of peace, they must be somewhat peaceful. 

If someone reminds you of enlightenment, connect with them.

Wrapping this up, keep your focus on something higher, & the world around you will start bringing you just that. A higher, more-peaceful place to exist. A better world, a better place. A better pizza, better ingredients, Papa Johns.

God is Papa John.

Eat pizza.


1 Kudos


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