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Another thing I love about fallout new vegas......+ some tales abt Rainclaw!

#pixels from Cute Things#pixels from Cute Things#pixels from Cute Things

One of the things I love a LOT about FNV is how you can really play any alignment. It doesn't lock you into any alignment early on/in the majority of the game until the end I guess? Like, if you wanna play as a villain who gets a redemption arc, you absolutely can! Or if you wanna play as a hero who starts a descent into madness, you absolutely can as well! Theres so many different ways to play and so many of the games mechanics support that.

If you wanna be a smooth talking thief with the worst of luck then by god you absolutely can. Just do Lady killer/Confirmed Bachelor/Cherchez la femme/Black widow + tons of 10 charisma, 1 luck, and all the sneak in the world and boom! You're living your best unlucky smooth talking thief dreams.

This all becomes suuuper immersive when you pass the checks that go with your character! For example, you could make a doctor character and the game will support that by allowing you to pass medicine checks, allowing you to be like, "Don't fret, I'm a trained professional, and I recognize your symptoms." I was suuuper pleasantly surprised when I could rp as a doctor in this game!!!

#pixels from Cute Things#pixels from Cute Things#pixels from Cute Things

#my ask from (✿◠‿◠)
Heres my current main FNV character...Rainclaw!!!

He's part of the Boomhealer family line! Theyre comprised of people who are fated to love medicine and explosives! Rainclaw is a bit of a unique boomhealer. He loves explosives, yes, but he also loves guns and repairing them (despite how...bad he is at it). Rainclaw wasn't always a cowboy either. When he woke up (hes my courier basically), he found a cowboy hat and was drawn to it. He absolutely fell in love w the hat and refuses not to wear it unless its necessary. He tries to live his life in the way he views as "the cowboy life." He's overall pretty neutral, and hes 34 years old. (Wouldve given him a 5 o'clock shadow if the game let me....). Hes suuuper friendly with the boomers and is basically a member of them too. Rainclaw is also very much gay.
Despite his >:c face, hes actually suuuper friendly. Hes kinda like a wolf in the sense that he tries to be all dark and brooding but his tail is very much wagging. He's not entirely peaceful, but not super violent either(in the way that he doesn't usually instantly resort to violence). However, if some people have to die for the greater good (or if they reaaaallly got in his way and pissed him off), then so be it. When hes not using his cowboy repeater(that hes suuuper bad at using), you can typically find him using a granade launcher and the occasional nuke launcher. Also he has ADHD but luckily his companions are (mostly) understanding! 
Along with medicine and explosives, hes also great at lockpicking and science. If theres a locked door or terminal, well. It won't be locked for long! Even if he has to brute force his way in.
His weaknesses include his severe lack of perception. Which is super dangerous with how much he loves explosives(he has a shit ton of luck which helps a lot lmao). The amount of times he broke a leg while trying to shoot at something in front of him...he lost count. Rainclaw's endurance and survival isn't all that great either. He may know how to patch himself up, but god he cannot outrun anything. His stealth is also suuuper bad. Afterall, demolitionists arent known for being the quietest of people...which combined with his lack of endurance means if he gets caught, all he has to rely on is his luck. He has immense knowledge of medicine and how to preform surgeries, but the moment you throw him outside he will 1- have no idea where hes going and get lost suuuper suuuper fast, and 2- will absolutely not last long without food or water. Rainclaw may be a cowboy, but hes not particularly good at it ^^' 

Stay tuned for more Rainclaw tales! >:) Perhaps you'll even hear about the other boomhealers and friends...

#my ask from (✿◠‿◠)

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