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Category: Blogging

Our society thanks to social media

Alright so let me start this with "Yes I know, I am complaining about social media on a social media website". But that right there should be clue number one as to what is wrong with social media as a whole. 

Before we get into the nitty gritty of why social media is at a point where we are pretty much screwed as a species, lets point out the positive things about social media. Don't worry, it will be quick since the list is VERY short. 

  • You can keep in contact with whoever you want whenever you want, especially those you are close to. 
  • Music, photos, games, every kind of media you can think of is right there in your fingertips! And if you're a content creator or small business owner, free advertisement can be found in the form of social media!
I told ya it was short, so now we get into the meaty center. In a world where social media is the literal lifestyle of a majority of our generations, you would think by now people would have a more open mindset because of the vast majority of knowledge that is readily available at the tap of a keyboard or click of a button. However, unfortunately, that is not the case. 

Bullying is at an all time high, both in real life and online. Misinformation is something that is of the norm. You literally cannot read a news article without asking yourself "Is this real or a joke?" The simple fact that you have to question what a news source posts online is mind blowing! 

First, let's get started with the incorrect mindset people have about posting what you want when you want. Yes, you 100% have every right to post what you want when you want! However, do not throw the "freedom of speech!" bs at me when I call you out on your bs. First of all, freedom of speech only applies when you are in the US. Hate to break it to ya, the internet, is around the entire world! Hence the www you see in front of website, also known as, World Wide Web. Just like you can say whatever you want, so can I. Should I? Should you? probably not. At that point in time it comes down to that one simple question. Should I post this? Am I going to look stupid? Am I going to appear in a way that shines a negative light on me? Am I speaking about something that is morally wrong, and could potentially cause actual harm to another? Seriously, use your brain. 

Second, those friends you're keeping in contact with? It doesn't mean as much if all you have to do is look at your phone and see updated information on them daily. Going for a visit and talking to them face to face is a thing of the past. That wholesome feeling you get when you show up at their doorstep or you run into the at the store after years, it gives you a social high! You don't get that same high when you read memes and watch videos posted by those same people that outside of social media, you wouldn't bat an eyelash at. 

Third, how much time do you actually spend on social media? I promise you at least half of your day is spent on social media at some point in time. How though? Skimming through Facebook while you sit on the toilet or have some downtime at work. Posting your latest TikTok of you just lounging around the house, or the newest sound phase that is readily available. I swear, I love Harry Potter! But if I hear that "Get to know me Harry Potter edition" song one more bloody time I am going to go berserk! I love watching cooking tips and tricks, or cleaning stuff, heck throw in some cute puppies! But again, that just goes to show we as a human race spend way too much time on social media. Sharing ideas and memories is fine, but there needs to be a point where a line is drawn and you walk away for a minute. But can you? Can you really? I know I would struggle, and I will be honest with that statement. This shows that social media is addicting and a huge side affect of it is what is known as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). If I stay away from social media, I will miss out on so much! But here's the thing, all that time you spent on social media, you missed out on way more important things. Double edge sword much?

Fourth, we will bring up the bullying topic again. There are so many self image issues in the world already, social media makes it worse. You see these beautiful celebrities that are the same age as you looking so much prettier and skinnier, it literally makes you feel like crap! I know when I look at Avril Lavigne who is 4 years older than me, I wanna cry! She is 4 years older than me, looking like she is actually 4 years older than my 13 year old daughter! So when you take that kind of thing and throw in a screen between you and someone who wants to take full advantage of that, it turns into a wildfire from hell! When I was a kid, bullying was mostly in person. And trust me, I saw my fair share of it! You would get bullied for being different in some way shape or form. Now, you still do, but both in person and online. And on top of that, this current generation has gotten to the point where you're bullied for not being the same as them even more so! The kids who grew up either gay or some form of gay when I was a kid, are now the ones doing to the bullying to those who are straight. People who are not the skinny pretty girls are bullying the skinny pretty girls because they are skinny and pretty. They do this because they know they can! I am bisexual, and was bullied because of it. However my now 13 year old daughter was bullied in the 4th grade because she said she wasn't into boys or girls yet. She was called sexist and told she had to be some form of gay in order to be cool. How about treat people like human beings and be good to each other regardless of race, gender, sexuality or anything to that nature? Treat each other with respect for goodness gracious! Don't even get me started on the keyboard warriors you see all over social media who are cyberbullying people because they know no one can trace it back to them! I would be here for hours!! 

Fifth, this is sort of a continuation of the above but it's own thing. The above right there, along with the fact that bullying has been kind of the norm for many generations, is the reason it keeps going. If you tell your kids the only way to get to the top is by stepping on others and treating them like crap, guess what is going to happen? They will then do that, and continue to do that into adulthood and preach it to their kids. Vicious cycle much? Social media proves that. The people who treat people like crap, and talk crap about people all over social media ends up being the ones with millions of followers, while the people who put 12+ hours into their craft are just tossed to the side. And you know what makes that even more possible? Social... Media...

Sixth, I promise this is the last one. The biggest downside to social media, is the inability for future generations to grow up with a spine attached. Because they are able to hide behind that phone or computer screen, they can say and do whatever they want without being held accountable by any means shape or form for their actions. It also makes it to where they can throw temper tantrums when someone says something they don't like, and end up getting someone who is actually providing a valid point to something they disagree with into trouble. You don't like the fact that I said I don't like the band you like? Omg I must be sexist because the band is an all girl group! I had an argument about the whole Will Smith vs Chris Rock thing where I said "Should he have done that? No, but at the time he felt it was right because he was standing up to his wife." Well, my first mistake was saying this to an individual who seemed to think that because she was African American and I am Caucasian, I have no idea what I am talking about because I am promoting black on black violence. I literally said nothing about race, and pointed that out MANY times. She called me all the racist names, everything you can think of. And I am just sitting there asking her "why are you being so rude?! I literally was defending both of them! I didn't say anything about race on anything!" And they proceed to compose this half legible article about how I deserve to have someone come and murder me in my sleep. Yes, that is fine! But my saying a man sticking up for his wife is okay results in harassment? That goes back to the whole "Should I say this?" logic. Social media has literally made it to where people can treat people like absolute crap with no repercussions. Which means having a spine is a bad thing to have! People will not speak out about anything out of pure fear of being harassed by people who disagree with them. And at the same time when someone does say something as a joke like "I will kick your ass myself if you go back to that abusive woman!" to a friend they care about, oh no! No no no! That deserves all the punishment! Seriously people, take a joke. 

Anyway, that is the end of my long rant that is caused by me being thrown into Facebook jail for the second time because I commented on a friends post saying that whoever catfished him makes me want to kick their butt.  The first time was because of the literal sentence I used above about my friend talking about going back to an abusive ex. He got the joke, apparently Facebook did not. 

Hope everyone has an awesome day and remember, you don't need the approval of others to matter in this world! <3 MsValCalla <3

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