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Dead Money thoughts so far + thoughts on Old World Blues, Honest Hearts, and Lonesome Road

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Thoughts on Dead Money so far
I like it! Starts off suuuper strong. All the DLC started off strong, but I felt a genuine sense of "oh shit, I can't fuck around now." With the others you could bring (at least some of) your stuff with you, but being literally stripped of everything except my pipboy (even my glasses???? whyd he take those.....) while still being very aware of the fact that this DLC is for level 20+ for a reason gave me such an intense sense of "oh fuck" and I'm loving every moment of it. Having to disable all of the traps, being forced to come up with creative ways of getting around obstacles(like the severe lack of bobby pins), and being suuuuper fucking grateful that I put points into certain areas is a legitimately fun and thrilling experience! I was super glad I had a fuckton of science and repair ^^'

The characters are hella interesting as well! I can't wait to learn more about them. They each have totally different vibes and with my character, they make a pretty odd team (hes a doctor demolitionist cowboy).
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#my asks from (✿◠‿◠)
Thoughts on Old World Blues
If I had to describe it in two words, I'd describe it as a fever dream. A lot of this is my fault cause of comically bad short tern memory, but I kept screwing up a lot of the quests and getting lost. I'd love to redo it in the future, though! There was a LOT I missed. Still salty I didn't see the option to flirt with my brain...(I had Confirmed Bachelor so I guess I just didn't say the right things to trigger it @-@) I feel like theres a ton of secrets inside that I needed to uncover. The Think Tank is 10000% untrustworthy (I mean jesus christ the things they did 0-0) but im not sure anyone in OWB is trustworthy in general. They all seem like selfish stuck up assholes. Not that this is a bad thing! Like klein mightve wanted house dead but like. Dude you are so much worse full offense. 
I absolutely loved the shit out of the aesthetic, though! I wasn't expecting sci-fi wackiness, but it was a welcomed addition in my opinion! Overall, I'd need to replay it but its definitely an experience.
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#my asks from (✿◠‿◠)
Thoughts on Honest Hearts
Definitely felt more "in place" than Old World Blues. I'm actually native american myself, so seeing the focus on that was a genuine surprise. Wish there were way more options to be nicer to them @-@ maybe I did something wrong but I didn't see a whole lot of options to actually like. Properly listen to the natives??? That irked me a tad bit (ik its an old game but ya know). I didn't really do much with Joshua, so I def need to properly replay it.
My favorite part (besides whoever voiced Joshua because DAMN they got good actors for the DLC) was seeing all the scenery. It both felt familiar and super refreshing. There are maybe some places in base game that can have the same vibes as zion valley, but god damn I wish I took my time more because the scenery was gorgeous! If ur curious, I had them leave instead of fighting them, partially because I felt it was better and partially because I'm playing a pretty neutral character currently.
#my asks from (✿◠‿◠)
#my asks from (✿◠‿◠)
Thoughts on Lonesome Road
Probably my favorite one story wise so far! God, everything was super cool about this. Wish some points had a bit more time to simmer and breathe (The ED-E thing couldve been way more impactful if it was either THE ED-E or given more time to grow attached to this one. Maybe they couldve given us the option to name it ourselves).
Ik some people hate his voice but I think it was suuuper well done and fitting for Ulysses. Truly gave me the vibe of someone both mysterious and someone who belongs in The Divide. The Divide itself was actually another favorite part for me. It truly felt like a place that had been destroyed in the apocalypse, where alliances no longer mattered and everyone had to walk their own path. 
Also GOD it started off so good. The invitation was super mysterious in a way that made me keep thinking about it over and over. Because at this point, I had always seen The Courier as someone who is a complete mystery, someone whose only desire is for revenge for the one who shot them. And Lonesome Road makes the promise of giving a piece of The Courier's puzzle at the cost of the long and harsh path Ulysses beckons you to cross. And thats what it feels like--hes neither forcing nor suggesting, hes beckoning you to journey across The Divide like an old spirit. And the journey is harsh and unforgiving, yet you are allowed and even encouraged to go back. But The Courier continues on. 
I also adore how it sets up The Courier as a harbinger of fate and destruction. Because if you think about it, thats exactly what they are. The Courier was carrying the fate of the Mojave in their hands (even if it was unknowingly), and when Benny had tried to mess with the hands of fate by shooting The Courier in the head, The Courier survived. Not only survived, but gained the passion and determination to find Benny, track him down, and take the chip for themselves--allowing them full conscious control of the Mojave's fate. (Taking it for themselves even) If The Courier was a tarot card, they'd be The Tower. The personification of the unexpected and chaotic. And Ulysses is aware of this. Painfully aware of this. Though its no fault of The Courier. 
Lonesome Road made me feel like I was playing a character in a greater story (greater than the normal game I mean). Like The Courier was no longer fully within my control, and I was witnessing a story I was never meant to see. And godd I loved it. 
#my asks from (✿◠‿◠)

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