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Category: Friends

shit me and my friends say

For the sake of my friend's identity, I'm just gonna use letters for their names 

But here's a little introduction 

L is me 

A doesn't like to use their brain 

I is sassy af for no reason 

And T is the most logical one of the group 

* in a robot voice* 

Insert penis…scanning…hmm small penis - A

* bugs everywhere* 

Flamethrower? - L

I got deodorant, you got a lighter? - A 

Hard and jelly… LIKE CUM! - A 

I'm a fucktangle… I mean rectangle - T 

Cause of the crocaine - I 

Are you a barbecue bitch - T

I'm an everything bitch - L 

Name 3 things you haven't done - T

Bitch…ah…. FUCKED A MAN - L 

It feels like I just shoved a Maccas burger up my nose - L 

I'm just gonna die and Lukas gonna vomit on my dead body - A

We're stuck on this fish smelling ass train and my ass hole is bleeding -L

* smells like weed *

Yo it smells like Lukas's house - I 

My eyes were in my eyeballs - A 

Well I hope they are - T 

Octopussy - A 

See no penis so you can slap that bitch - A

Are you pissing out of your penis I don't think so - A 

Can you sit still? - L 

No, I have worms up my butt - A

Me and I had a freaky moment in your house - A 

I will be doing none of the fighting I will just have hope - I 

Yeah same I'm not fighting - T 

I have big ass shoes and I will kick children - L 

Pulling out ?! what's wrong with you - A 

Whats 8k? - I 

8k47 - A 

You suck at this game - S

I don't suck at this game I suck dick - A 

Be poor bitch you fuck hoe - L 

Oh fuck I forgot I drank pool water - L 

Anything is an edible if you try hard enough - L 

This is our Jesus * holds up snail * - A 

I just had a big brain moment if I piss my pants no one will know until you smell it - A 

If I get sticky it's your fault - I 

What the fuck is up with you not wanting to eat the panapplie - T 

If we get fucked in the bum hole I have a mum - T 

Ok but if we don't get bummed in the fuck hole - L 

Power out? - L 

Yup - T 

I still have power of the bitches - A 

Why is there a beer in the oven - L 

It's a microwave idiot - A 

( it was a barbecue ) 

No, you bankrub people - A 

I don't know who you're rubbing at the bank but you gotta stop - T 

I feel like a humidifier - L 

You look like a fucking humidifier - I 

Yo why does it smells like death 

* walking past a fui[niral home * 

Ohhhhh - L 

Trains go fast, right? 

* proceeds to throw a whiteboard rubber across the room * - A 

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