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Category: Games

Random FNV stuffz

I luv the interpretation that the courier iz this suuuper scary harbinger of death. Like even if they arent suuper evil, they just have such wicked vibez. Seeing them is like a bad omen, afterall they literally said fuck u to god and survived bein shot in the head.
Also the courier is justz cool AF in general. They can b whatever u want but alsooo da line "The game was rigged from the start" hits SUUUUPER different when you betray everyone and take over vegas for yourself. Da first playthrough I ever did was a good karma yesman playthrough and wowie FNV hits suuuper different w/o spoilerz. Currently doin da DLC rn >:)

Alsoalso(i use dat word a lots) the mysterious stranger iz such a fun perk. I never really used luck or VATs b4 so when i made mah current character w a shhiiiiittttt ton of luck, i absolutely used the shits out of VATs. when da mysterious stranger shows up, it never fails to put a silly smile on my face x3 the music and the game just cuttin over to see him no matter where the enemy is iz so funny. He killed a deathclaw for me once 0-0. When hes on a target he wont stop till theys dead and its so cool! Grim reaper's sprint iz also suuuper good. I knows itz more broken in fo3 (at least i thinks. i needs to play 3 moar) but itz still a good perk in general lolz.

i have so much 2 says about fallout...ur gonna hear a LOTS about it!

0 Kudos


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