Popular kids

what is it to be considered popular?

why are popular kids popular?
From my experience with popular people. Most of them tend to fall into the well known/gets along with everyone criteria or their absolutely rude, annoying, mean and are all a bunch of coccky little cunts.

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DystopicMax's profile picture

Being popular is about how many social interactions you get on a daily basis.

Now said it has a lot of dark things behind it.

1.If you talk to a lot of people, you get more options. If you get more opinions you get more people talking behind your back.
2.By being popular, you share more. The principal of individualism becomes almost absent, making jealousy more rampant.
3.Teacher tends to be kinder to popular student because they interact more socially, that creates inequality.
You are more prone to being target to bullying. but in point #1, you can't afford to be vulnerable. you bite back or get the bad opinions ..hence the bad attitude of popular students.
4.Friends become superficial. those people tend to have relationships with each other just to feel voids, not understanding they aren't necessarily themselves and their friends are their for the same goal as you : popularity.

That said being popular comes with disadvantages, and those disadvantages makes the people mean, annoying, douches are anything as you described above.

But this is my opinion and if somebody else has another theory, please share! I love sharing information :)!

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