I know this blog is extremely random but my hair is really soft right now and I wanted to talk about it because it makes me happy. I use the garnier hair food in watermelon flavour regularly and it just feels great. Smells heavenly too. I love how I can choose to use it as a mask, conditioner or leave-in.
Anyways, whilst we're on talking about products and how I am, let's continue for fun!!
My skin is slightly questionable, not terrible but let's say I get a little monthly acne following my cycle. However it feels great because I've been doing regularly and developed a skincare routine with my now favourite skincare products from nip + fab. Sadly, this is the only time I will be buying them as they are expensive at regular price - I just found them cheap this time round.
My makeup skills are really improving though! It's exciting. I am getting more artsy with my looks and I started wearing lashes a few months ago. People seem to really like them. The Alice lashes are my favourite ones, I get like 10 pairs of them for £8 or something similar. They're made by a small beauty business who just sell via amazon.
The last thing I wanna talk about is perfumes because having a nice aroma about you is just as satisfying as having soft hair or skin. I really love the I heart revolution wild cherry fragrance and the pepe jeans for her fragrance.
Anyways, enough rambling about little self care things that make me smile - because I could go on and on. What are your self care favourite products?
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