So for a little bit over a year my favorite crystal has been Labradorite. It's a beautiful stone with this gorgeous flash in certain places. It has all kinds of different colors. I've always been drawn to the stone's energy and how aesthetically appealing it is, because of this I have quite a few Labradorite pieces.
People ask me all the time, what does Labradorite do? And I'm over here like....... I honestly don't know. It just makes me happy. It's pretty and it brings me peace when it's around.
Today I was blessing my new pieces including a new Labradorite necklace, and I decided to look it up! I have The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. I open it up and I read, it's, "highly mystical stone, a bringer of light." As someone with a patron sun deity this makes total sense to me.
It continues to talk about how it's a grounding and calming stone, which might account for my new calm demeanor the last year. The past year people have asked me what has changed. I'm so much less concerned about things, and I've been much more level headed and logical. I've also been much more willing to see multiple sides of things to find mutually beneficial compromises. I've even been helping myself and other people understand things from other perspectives.
It goes on to say that it is also good at shielding from negative emotions and energies shed during therapy. I have been actively been in therapy the last 6 months, and I haven't felt wrung out or raw like it usually feels right after. After a session I've been feeling energized and unburdened.
It's been such a peaceful year in my life, even with A LOT of things going on. I find that even though I can have stress, anxiety, and panic at times, usually I can come back after that time with hope, peace, and understanding. I had no idea carrying around this pretty rock would bring so much into my life. It makes me feel like Apollo once again is showing me I am important and I will be guided to do what I need and want to do. I feel like my anxiety and panic will pass, and I will work through a lot of past trauma in a healthy and safe way. It was just a lovely reminder that the universe and my patron god will bring me peace and healing especially if I'm willing to do the work needed to bring that healing about.
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