Neo's profile picture

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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping


I cut my hair again tonight! I'd been thinking about it for a while, kind of missing when it was really short before the pandemic. It grew out over lockdown and I cut it to just above my shoulder - it looked nice and all but I wanted it to be truly short again! I got my scissors and combs out and it looks nice! I'm really pleased with it! I've been cutting my own hair for quite a while now and it's very freeing in my opinion. Especially when you're not out to your hairdresser as a queer person, they often go out of their way to make you look a way you don't want. One of my hairdressers would always be like "I'll keep it feminine for you!" Despite me not wanting that at all. Now that I've learned how to cut it myself, I can have a style that makes me happy and feels true to myself and my body. It's great!

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