Frog Frog Frog

Frog. Frog. Frog. Boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond. 

 Angelia Rodney is a 12-year-old girl who had a small pond in her backyard. No, she isn't rich, and no she did not build it herself. The pond formed over time, it was natural. It was her day. Her birthday. August 16th. She turns 13 at 11:38 am. She sat on a bench by the pond with a watch in her hand. It was an early birthday present from her dad. The time read 11:37: 57. She did a small countdown for herself, nothing too loud, just a whisper. 3……...2……..1. PLOP- as she was cut off by such a loud noise and about to cheer on quietly for turning 13, there was a big frog that jumped onto a nearby rock. She was startled at first, but then she calmed down. Her parents were at work, and Angelia was all home alone. She was homeschooled because of her rare condition. Today was the day the homeschooler didn’t have to come because it was her birthday, her parents allowed that. But maybe, just maybe if Angelia’s homeschooler came today, maybe Angelia would still be here. Her condition was the first doctor had in all his years working. Angelia could not talk or look people in the eye that she didn’t know well. She would have a meltdown or faint if she did. She has spent her free time at the pond since the time she turned 13. She sang frog, frog, frog, boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond. 

Angelia most certainly hated her unknown condition. She had tried many times to stop or overcome it,  but she failed all 23 attempts. She felt like giving up in life. She said “If I don’t have friends or attend a real school, what is the point in living?”. She didn’t know how to swim, but she wanted to so desperately. The frog in the pond always came up to her, and then swam back in the pond as if the frog wanted Angelia to follow it. She would come up to the pond and put her feet in, but nothing else. When she turned 14, she got her first phone. Three weeks after downloading all the cool kid new app stuff, Angelia saw a video on how to swim. She didn’t try to swim, but she was certainly sure that she could. She found her mom's old swimsuit and put it on. She went out to the pond. She saw the frog. It jumped on a rock, then jumped in the water. Angelia was excited to finally be able to follow the frog in the pond. She sang her happy song as she came closer and closer to the water of the pond. The only song she knew at heart. Frog, frog, frog, boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond. frog, frog, frog, boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond. She stepped foot into the pond, then another foot. Soon she was knee-high. Then as another step, waist-high. She took another step and felt no land or ground to step in. She was startled. She started doing what they did in the video, swing their arms in circles and kick your legs. She soon started swimming correctly, and she was following the frog. The frog went underwater and Angelia couldn’t see the frog anymore. She couldn’t swim underwater, but she was so excited that she tried. She counted 3…...2…...1….. And thought of when she turned 13 and first saw the frog. She dunked her head underwater and started swimming. She held her breath as best as she could and tried to open her eyes. She didn’t like what was in the water that had touched her eye so she closed them. Angelia soon realized that she didn’t know how deep she was underwater, where to go, or which way was up. She started swimming everywhere and panicking. Angelia is fearing for life, she doesn’t know what is where and if she is even in the pond anymore. She was soon running out of breath and all she could think was about the time she turned 13. As Angelia let out her last breath and gave up on struggling, she sang frog, frog, frog, boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond over and over again in her head until she could no longer think. frog, frog, frog, boy oh boy, was there a big frog in the pond. 

Aftermath:  talk to them. One woman in all white, almost like a wedding dress held her hand out and said welcome in a nice tone. 

After her parents got home, they were confused about where Angelia went. They first thought  Angelia had gotten kidnapped. They called the police and the police searched Angelia’s phone. They found nothing that would lead to her death. Nothing like people telling her to, etc. They marked her death as suicide. After a later investigation, they found out that she watched a video on how to swim, and then found out did really attempt to swim. They searched the pond and found a body. The body belonged to 14-year-old Angelia Rodney. The people who searched the pond say that there was a big frog that wouldn’t let them get near her body and would go after them if they did. They had to take the frog out of the pond to get near Angelia’s body.

Angelia saw many people in a new place that she did not recognize but would call heaven. She could look people in the eye and not break down, she could see peoples features, she was happy.

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