Hello! Welcome to my first blogpost!
Hopefully I’ll add to this semi-often when I have something I’d like to say.
As for now, I might as well say what’s been up recently.
This past month, I’ve been doing alot of thinking. I wasn’t feeling very happy during February, but now I think my mood’s gone up, and so has all my inspiration and motivation. There’s alot of stuff I want to do, like making videos and stories and music, and then there’s the stuff I have to do, like school and life stuff. I’ve had this feeling before, and I’ll most likely finish one part of each of my many ideas by the time summer comes.
I’ve also been thinking about this site, and the concept of social media in general. About what each social media promotes, and why certain types of people go to certain social medias because that’s the way they want to express themselves. And what if a site like this, paired with a site like Discord, so that your discord account would also he your SpaceHey account, and it could be embedded right on your discord account, if you wanted it to. It would be able to revolve around both servers communities and individuals.
Sometimes my brain can be scarily fast, too. Funny enough, the best example would have to be last night, where I was laying awake in my bed, right before midnight, and I thought up a whole conversation around a fable I had also made up in under 3 minutes. I then proceeded to take 20 minutes to write the whole thing down on my phone.
The excerpt can be viewed on my writings archive here: https://writings.percycho.repl.co/2022-03-30-dream-fable-conversation.html
I’ll usually say if I’ve written anything new in my blog post here.
I’ve also been having some saddish feelings for a while now, not as sad as the ones I had a month ago, but definitely not as happy as the ones I had in early summer of last year. I think it’s mostly feelings of regret, that things with friends didn’t end up the way we all would have wanted to, and now there’s trivial hate and loneliness from easily preventable events. I only remember early summer of last year as fondly as I do because it was a time of opportunity, when friends were meeting new friends, and it was all very hopeful.
I believe I covered everything on mind that I wanted to, so to conclude this, I’d like to say thank you, for reading.
And stay optimistic!
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