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"showtime ruler" long long long analysis

" 1, 2, 3, the chandelier is falling down. "
This is sung by Nene. If I really look too hard into it, I'm kind of getting vibes of pure chaos; a comment on everyone around her, I think. Also definitely a phantom of the opera reference.

" All at once, the neon lights illuminate the room! "
Emu's line, a lot of contrast to Nene's comment on the chaos that's happening. Emu embraces it, whereas Nene merely looks at it from a far. Emu seems attached but Nene seems detached. But they're both still part of the action, which plays into the idea of not fitting in and yet being completely fine with that.

" 4, 5 and 6, the claps ring out..." alongside "The spotlight shines down on us!" are kind of a two in one package.
The lines are sung by Rin and Tsukasa respectively. Again, someone is pointing out something whereas the other, in this case being Tsukasa, embraces it. The contrast between "the claps" and "down on us" is obvious as far as pronouns usage goes. Tsukasa is in the moment and Rin is viewing it - they're both participating in different ways, but participating in the show none the less.

" Now, welcome to the theatre. The show’s starting, it’s showtime! "
And of course, Rui. Both overseeing and in the moment, not in one fixed place. He's welcoming others, but signalling that the show he is a part of is starting. This represents how he is the embodiment of an outcast. Nene and Rin both behave in the way of looking in on something. Tsukasa and Emu both talk as if they are part of it. But Rui doesn't know what to do, instead, putting on his best face and presenting it all. "Look at what they can do. Welcome to (their) show."

" Ta~ra~ta! I dance and take a step to lead! "
Tsukasa is a self-proclaimed star. His line is confident and intense. He is taking a step into the lead. What's funny about that is that he isn't... in the lead, initially. He still must take the step. I think this kind of represents some anxiety - maybe not anxiety, but definitely hesitation.

" The branch line’s at the other side. "
This line is sung by Nene, and it's interesting. A branch line is the line coming off of the main train line. I think this represents going forward, no matter what. The branch line is gone! Zip! Stop thinking about it! But it's interesting that Nene sings this - I think she's overcoming her fears and pushing forward.

" Stop! Take a sudden turn!"
Emu's entire personality is bubbly and active. Her wanting to take a turn from the initial forward track to the metaphoric branch line is inherently a show of this. She wants to go into the unknown. And maybe the branch line will drive them through a shortcut, who knows? Her approach to problem solving is to be impulsive.

" My heart goes tick and tack! Come now, cue and action! "
This line starts out with Rin, an embodiment of all of their feelings talking about her heart pulsing. This is a shared joy between the whole group. You can see Rui taking initiave with his line about a cue, but the entire group coming together to call 'action!'. Even though Rui is the director, his group is behind him. They are all together. I wrote it as a group line, but it really is... everyone but Rui. Rui doesn't have to speak. His group is right here for him.

" 7 and 8, we’re going up~! "
Sung by Emu again, nothing really too deep about the line. She's just happy! They're rising in popularity, potentially.

" 9 and 10, we’re stirring things up! "
Tsukasa is killing it but sweetie there is nothing deep about this line. He quirky.

" I invite you to immediately let go of your nervousness~ "
The line starts of as Nene singing, but Rui finishes it off. It definitely signifies how they're in sync, despite their quirks.

" AMP UP! "
Not much to say! Rin and Rui singing. They're improving, it's getting more intense. This is repeated again and again until the chorus.

" ... My sensibility. "
Sung by both Rin and Rui. Sensibility being "the quality of being able to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences" in case it wasn't known. The fact Rin is singing with Rui represents his passions coming through as Rin is formed from their passions. This idea is repeated for the next three lines so I don't have to repeat myself, eha--

" ... Is updating! "
Sung by both Rin and Emu. I like the idea that the group is getting more used to each other and becoming more comfortable, thusly, the sensibility is updating.

" ... Your sensibility. "
Sung by both Rin and Tsukasa. I like that Tsukasa references it, mostly talking about Nene, considering she responds. I think it's a criticsm, actually. He doesn't understand how closed off she can be and it confuses him. He is critiquing her lack of sensibility. However, he could also be talking to the audience! 'Your ability to respond?! It'll be blown away by our incredible performance!'

" ... I'm challenging it... "
Sung by both Rin and Nene. Taking my first comment into consideration, in response to Tsukasa's comment, she is snidely talking back. 'I’m challenging it', as if she's biting back. Or, potentially, it's more determined. She's challenging her own coldness.

" ... I'm sharpening it. "
Rui is getting better at understanding the emotions of his group. He's understanding them more, and thusly, he's sharpening his emotional intuition. Responding to their emotions and behaviour, caring deeply.

" ... At this moment, I'm the ruler of your emotions!~"
Rin and Rui sharing the line is really powerful. It's his passions becoming intertwined with himself, causing in an explosive final few words. Rui is emotionally in sync with the audience but more importantly, his group and his passions.

Chorus time! * Jazz Hands *

" Showtime ruler, ruler, ruler "
The line begins with Rui speaking, but switches over to Nene. This again shows how they're in sync, trusting each other enough to swap between lines. Rui sets up the chorus, and Nene takes the cue flawlessly, with Rui and Emu (the two arguably closest to her) backing her up with " It's showtime! "

" Take you higher, higher, higher! "
I really like how this line is sung by only Tsukasa. Tsukasa is determined to reach higher. He's determined and aggressive in his approach to performance. Once again, Emu and Rui back him up. It's a nice touch that despite Emu's happiness and intensity, she is happy to just hear her friends succeeding. She, surprisingly, the same as Rui, doesn't feel the need to perform as the front and centre. She just wants Nene and Tsukasa to take the spotlight as they both can so well.

" Make you crazy! (CRAZY!) crazy! (CRAZY!) and even crazier! "
Having Tsukasa and Nene sing in sync is an intesting due, as is having Rui and Emu sing in sync. Emu and Tsukasa are usually depicted as close, as are Nene and Rui. So having them swap their respective partners is a good way to show how close they've become.

" Showtime ruler, ruler, ruler "
The line begins with Rui speaking, but this time it switches over to Emu as opposed to Nene. Once again, it shows closeness. This time, however, it's a closenss that wasn't there before. This time, Tsukasa and Nene sing in sync, backing her up with " It's showtime! "

" Take you higher, higher, higher! "
This time, the line is sung by Rui. He's embraced a part of his group once again, this time, Tsukasa's determination. It's a lovely way to represent his growth. With Nene and Tsukasa backing him up, it shows their care for him.

" Here's an invitation to be more free and ecstatic! "
Emu and Rui both singing this line shows a connection that they both have. Emu IS more free and ecstatic. Rui needs the invitation, and so he sings with Emu. This line can also be interpreted as a call to the audience or to the viewer. 'Here is your chance to be free. Look at what happened when we took our chances.'

" A time that seemed like a dream. "
THIS LINE IS SO DIDDLY DARN AMBIGUOUS. Rui sings this line. He doesn't reference anything specific, and it comes out of complete left field. I believe he's referencing multiple things. Firstly, his group and his performances with them. It's all a blur to him - a dream, not a nightmare. Something beautiful that doesn't feel right. But I also think he's talking about his past. Everything from before now is a complete blur. He doesn't feel like an outcast any more, and even though he has his doubts, that time before is a dream, and this is reality.

In conclusion? WxS love each other dearly, and this song is them supporting one eachother

2 Kudos


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