Princesss Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots?

Princesss Scota

Editor's Note: the following discourse is not necessarily based on proven fact, but relied heavily on myths that are said to be based on historical fact. They provided here for information only and are not included in this series of studies as factual evidence in support of conclusions drawn in it.

Irish history records the story of Princess Scota, said to be the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt who arrived in the southern part of Ireland around 300 BC. She took on the trade route, sailing in search of the new world. She travelled to Spain from the Delta, by means of an Egyptian ship. Her husband was Milesius to whom she gave eight sons. Milesius' descendants are now known as Milesians. The ancestor of the Milesians, Feinus, lived in Scythia. His son Nel participated in the building of the tower of Babel.

After the division of the nations he became an expert in languages and was invited to Egypt by the Pharaoh. He married Scota, the Pharaoh's daughter and is said to have witnessed the drowning of Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea during the Exodus. Moses healed Nel's son Gaedel (Gaythelos) and prophesied that there wouldn't be any snakes in the country they were going to go (Ireland). According to historical Irish texts: "Pharoa Nechtinebus was King of Egypt at that time ... Now Pharoa had a daughter named Scota and Mil (Nel) asked for that maiden, and Pharoa gave her to him: and that Scota bore two sons to him Amorgen Glungel and Eber their names."

According to Scottish Clan legends, the MacNeils descended from Niall (or Nel) of Scythia, who like Joseph was minister to the Pharoah of Egypt, gave his name to the River Niall, or Nile, and married the Princess Scota, the daughter of the Pharoah who rescued Moses from the bulrushes, by whom he had a daughter Gaedhal, or Gael. Subsequently descendants of Scota migrated to Scotland around 300 B.C. from whence came the Scots royal lineage.

There are many motives put forward by different historians for the migration of Prince Gaythelos and their people from the land of Egypt. The most likely is that they fled to escape persecution of Aten worshippers. Whatever the reason, migration was in the air again and this now sizeable tribe set sail for a new homeland. This time their destiny would lead them to the Iberian Peninsula - the area of Spain and Portugal today - where they were to settle and call home for the next 19 generations. Interestingly it is said that the root (etymon) of Portugal comes from Port Of Gael, the shortened version of Gaythelos. Ith, the uncle (or brother?) of Milesius who had atained a position of power in Iberia and Gaythelos' great gransdon, visited Ireland but was killed there by the Tuatha De Danaan.

Milesius and his eight sons avenged his death, taking the kingdoms from Tuatha-De-Danaans. MacCuill, Mac Ceacht and Mac Greine fought in a long bloody battle about three miles from Tralee. Not only did the Danaan princes die in the battle of Tralee but Scota was also killed. Scota is buried on the sloped mountains in view of Tralee Bay at a place called Glenscoheen (Scota's Glenn). Irish archaeologists have not yet carried out any investigation on the site, which consists of woodland and natural rocks. The Ordnance Survey of Ireland has shown the actual location of the burial of Scota.

Milesius and Scota's sons Heremon and Heber were the only surviors of Milesius' ruling family. The Jewish princess Tea Tephi is said to have married Heremon. After Heber and Eremon defeated the Danaan, they divided Ireland between them and established a royal line which can be traced directly to Britain's present day royal family. These Scots Gaels were to stay in their new homeland of Ireland as Overlords and High Kings ruling over the subdued Celts (Tuatha De Danaan) for over 900 years. Heremon and Heber both had Hebrew names; Heremon is the name of a mountain in Israel and Heber is derived from the word Hebrew which Milesius' family or tribe apparently were known by. The southern part of Spain where they came from is also known as Iberia. In ancient texts it is spelt Heberia, as it was the home of the Heber or Hebrews. The ancient name of Ireland - Hibernia - is also derived from Heber and literally means 'Land of Heber'. It is said that that the people derived the name Gael from the name of King Heber's great grandafather, Gaedel (Gaythelos), the man to whom Moses had prophesied that there wouldn't be any snakes in the country they were going to go (Ireland).

The origin of the name Scota, and thus her true identity, is more difficult to determine. With few exceptions during the Dynastic Period, the Egyptian custom was to wed junior Princesses to dignitaries of foreign houses to forge trade and military alliances and for Pharoah to receive foreign Princesses in marriage for the same reason. Ramesses II is recorded to have followed this custom and as he fathered over fifty Princes and at least forty-five Princesses borne by his seven principle wives and women of the harim, the likelihood of a younger Princess by a secondary wife being married in such a way is quite plausible. Nel, a third of fourth generation ancestor of King Milesius, married such a Pharoah princess so it is not unreasonable to assume that a Pharoah in Milesius' time would have offered a junior princess to Milesius, who was then the King of Iberia (Southern Spain), to maintain trade and military alliances.

King Milesius and his court
This could shed light on the origin of the name Scota who married Milesius. 'Scota' is not a recognisble Egyptian word as the ancient Egyptian language is gendered, with all female names ending in the letter 't' and no vowels in the hieroglyphic script (like Hebrew). The name 'Scota' appears to be derived from 'Sacathach' or 'Scythian', a Hebrew name in common use at the time to describe Israelites who were deported by the Assyrians as a result of the fall of the Northen Biblical kingdom of Israel. Beth-Khumri or Ghomri (Assyrian); Kimmerioi (Greek); Saka (Persian) and Scythians (Roman) are all names given at the time by different nations for the same peoples, the northern tribes of the Israelites.

Thus, the name 'Scota' is perhaps not a personal name, but rather a derivative of the generic Latin word. 'Scoti' a colloquial term used by the Romans to refer to the Irish race. According to one scholar, "She was called Scota, because her husband was called Scot, that is to say, according to the orgin of the race called "Scots"; and every woman in that country was surnamed according to her husband's race." If this account is to be followed, then rather than being named after the Princess, the Irish and Scotttish are named after the peoples of the husband of 'Scota', that is, the Scythians (Hebrews of the Northen Kingdom), with this Egyptian Princess being accorded the distinction of ancestress to the races which are borne from this union.

Milesius is thus named as he was originally from Miletus. This city, in Asia Minor was founded by colonists from Athens at about 1000 B.C. Athens itself was founded by a band of colonists from the city of Sais in Egypt, led by Calcol, a member of the Zerah branch of the Judahites who were alive in Egypt between the time of Joseph and Moses. Calcol's brother Dardanos (Darda) founded the famous city of Troy. Calcol is said to have founded 14 cities in and around Greece. The city of Chalcis, located North of Athens, seems to bear his name. The Argonauts travelled to a region called Colchis on the Black Sea coast in order to retrieve the Golden Fleece. The Colchians had strong connections to Greece, Israel and Egypt.

The Milesians also called themselves Scots, and part of them settled later on in Scotland. The Scottish Declaration of Independence (Declaration of Arbroath, 1320 A.D.) makes the following statement: "We know, Most Holy Father and Lord, and from the chronicles and books of the ancients gather, that among other illustrious nations, ours, to wit the nation of the Scots, has been distinguished by many honours; which Passing from the Greater Sythia through the Mediterranean Sea and Pillars of Hercules, and sojourning in Spain among the most savage tribes through a long course of time, could nowhere be subjugated by any people however barbarous and coming thense one thousand two hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel, they, by many victories and infinite toil, acquired for themselves the possessions in the west (of Scotland), which they now hold ... "

The Gaels of Ireland, who sailed from the north of Spain, are proven to be genetically related to the Basque people of that region, which suggests that integration took place there. The Basques claim to be descended from Paleolithic inhabitants of Europe. While they speak an ancient Euskaric language) they have many Caucasian characteristics. Black African genes also have been found in Gaels. While they do not prove the Scota legend, they certainly support it.

 المصريين كانوا أول من خطت أقدامهم أسكتلندا تلك الدولة التي تفصل بيننا وبينها سنون طوال من حيث التقدم والرقي.

الكشف الأثري ليس بالجديد ولكنه يعود إلى عام 1937 حيث اكتشف عالم أوروبي بقايا قوارب قديمة في منطقة "نورث فيريبي" بمنطقة "يوركشاير" في أسكتلندا والتحليل العلمي لهذه القوارب أثبت أنها تعود إلى نحو 1400- 1350 قبل الميلاد وأنها مصرية الأصل

وفي كشف أثري وتاريخي آخر عام 1955 اكتشفت عالمة الآثار الأيرلندية "شون أوريردون" أثناء التنقيب في "تل الرهائن" بوادي "تارا" بأسكتلندا أكشفت  هيكل عظمي ينتمي للعصر البرونزي ويرتدي مجموعة من الحلي يرجع تاريخها إلى عام 1350 قبل الميلاد وبعد تحليل السيراميك الموجود في هذه الحلي وجد أنها تطابق نظيرتها من الحلى المصرية القديمة بنسبة 100٪.

أما النقطة الفارقة في الموضوع أنه تم العثورعلى مخطوطة قديمة  تحكي قصة الأميرة المصرية القديمة "سكوتا" إبنة الملك "أخناتون" والملكة "نفرتيتي" التي كانت قد هربت خارج مصر خوفاً من الثورة التي اندلعت ضد حكم والدها إلى اليونان حيث التقت بـ "جاثيلوث" الذي تزوجته ومن بعدها ذهبا إلى أسكتلندا ثم أيرلندا.

أقامت الأميرة المصرية "سكوتا" وزوجها "جاثيلوث" إمارة في أيرلندا  ونصبا أنفسهما ملكين عليها قبل أن يعودا لغزو "أستلندا" والعيش فيها لتسمى بعد ذلك باسم الأميرة "أسكتلندا" أي أرض "سكوتا".

ويذكر التاريخ للأميرة المصرية "سكوتا" أنها أول من قامت بتقسيم أيرلندا إلى إقليمين شمالي وآخر جنوبي يقعان تحت حكم مركزي كما كان حال النظام في مصر آنذاك، بل تعدى الأمر إلى قيام الأميرة المصرية بإنشاء وادي يدعى "تل تارا" يدفن فيه الملوك على غرار "وادي الملوك" في الأقصر. 

وعلى الصعيد نفسه تتبع المؤرخ الأسكتلندي، "والتر باور" خلال القرن الـ 15 تاريخ شعبه منذ بداياته وخرج بنتائج ضمنها في مخطوطات أطلق عليها "Scotichronico"

 "باور" أكد خلال بحثه أن الشعب الأسكتلندي ينحدر من نسل المصريين القدماء وتحديدًا الأميرة "سكوتا".

ما يؤكد صدق الرواية أيضاً ما ذهب إليه الباحثان "جي ستون" و"لي توماس" عام 1956 بأن خزف القلادة التي تم العثور عليها في يد الأميرة "سكوتا" كان مصرياً حيث أكدت التحليلات الفنية له أنه يتطابق تماماً مع الموجود في مصر القديمة من حيث أسلوب الصناعة والتصميم أيضاً. 

واستشهدا الباحثان بأن القلادة الخزفية التي كان يرتديها الملك الشاب "توت عنخ آمون" والذي دفن في الفترة نفسها تقريباً مشابهة لقلادة الهيكل العظمي المكتشف في وادي "تارا" للأميرة "سكوتا".

أما الباحثة، "لورين إيفانز" فقد أكدت أيضاً أن ترجمة وثائق تعود للكاهن والمؤرخ المصري "مانيتون" والتي ترجع إلى القرن الثالث قبل الميلاد تفيد بأن الملك "اشينكرس" والد الأميرة "سكوتا" هو نفسه "أخناتون". وأن الأميرة هي نفسها الملكة "عنخ إسن أمون" الابنة الكبرى لـ "أخناتون" و"نفرتيتي" وأرملة "توت عنخ آمون".

أما السجلات القديمة لأسكتلندا فتشير أيضا إلى أنه خلال القرن الثاني قبل الميلاد ذهب بعض الفلاسفة المصريين إلى هناك لتقديم المشورة للملوك الأسكتلند خلال تلك الفترة والعمل كمستشارين لبعضهم.

عالمة المصريات الأيرلندية "أيفانز" تطرقت أيضاً في كتاب لها بعنوان "مملكة السفن" إلى الأميرة المصرية القديمة "سكوتا"، قائلة إنها "مريت آتون" إبنة الملك "أخناتون" والأخت غير الشقيقة للملك "توت عنخ آمون" مؤكدة أنها هربت إلى أيرلندا على رأس بعثة كبيرة من الغزاة قبل 3500 عام. 

وتقول "أيفانز" إن الأميرة المصرية "سكوتا" مدفونة في وادي "كو كيري" بأيرلندا بعد معركة خاضتها مع رجالها هناك مضيفة أن بقايا بعثتها أصبحوا بعد ذلك قادة البلاد بما حملوه من علوم وفنون قديمة وقادوا حملة الغزو، ضد أسكتلندا ثم انجلترا.

مسؤولو دار نشر "سيمون وشسلر" أكدوا أن "أيفانز" مؤلفة الكتاب اعتمدت في كتابها على القرائن الأثرية ومقارنتها بالنصوص والكتابات القديمة وتقنيات البصمة الوراثية التي أستخدمت على بقايا جثث قديمة وجدت في أيرلندا ومقارنتها بالمومياوات المصرية. 

وتفيد "أيفانز" بأن الأميرة المصرية  "سكوتا" قتلت في معركة "سليفي مش" ودفنت في وادي "كو كيري"وقبرها معروف موقعه هناك وقد تم تحديده بانتظار الحصول على موافقة البدء في أعمال الحفر. 

تتطرق المؤلفة في كتابها إلى اكتشاف مومياء مصرية قديمة لصبي صغير على أحد التلال خارج مدينة "تارا" الأيرلندية في حفائر أجريت عام 1950 تؤكد العثور على عقد حول رقبة الصبي من الخرز الأزرق المعروف بنسبته إلى الحضارة المصرية القديمة يقطع الشك بأنها مومياء مصرية قديمة. 

وشددت العالمة الأيرلندية على أن الصفات تتشابه أيضا بين مراكب الشمس المصرية القديمة الموجودة في متحف خاص بجوار أهرامات الجيزة، وبقايا المراكب الخشبية التي عثر عليها في منطقة "هل" شرقي "يوركشاير" إضافة إلى التشابه اللفظي في كثير من مقاطع اللغة المصرية القديمة واللغات السلتية وهي ضمن مجوعة اللغات الهندية الأوروبية التي سادت كل في من "إنجلترا وأيرلندا وأسكوتلندا".

جميع الوثائق سالفة الذكر تؤكد تبعية أسكتلندا ومن ثم انجلترا لمصر وتبعيتهما لها حيث كانت الأسرة المؤسسة والحاكمة لأسكتلندا على أقل تقدير أسرة تنتمي إلى الحضارة المصرية القديمة أو الفرعونية كما يحلو للبعض أن يطلق عليها

I Don't Own This information, I copied it from the internet.

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