Lets talk Facebook...
We can't sit here and pretend Facebook had a bright future ahead of it. As a loyal user since 2011 it has been a true blessing to see upcoming memes and connect with Family & Friends near & across the world. They say everything "good" comes to an end. Problems shooting through the roof. From Privacy issues to the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg's, personal beliefs. It is important as a community we be more carful with who we support as Consumers, Viewers and Users. Many Users drew the line and were fed up before, during and after the 2016 election. Facebook as a platform was allowing;
- Hate speech (excused as freedom of speech)
- Crossing User Boundaries (listening to conversations to advertise make the user experience stressful, camera violations and storing important User information)
- Fake News ( No Boundaries to roomers and fake Informational sources/ outlets be share and spread like while fire)
- Standing on the Wrong side of history ( supporting the 1% by contracts. Giving and receiving money for information exchange to the government)
- CEO, Mark Zuckerberg appearing to court TWICE in less than a month -November of 2020- to defend the legal liability shield that underpins their business models. (has attended before in the past)
- Censoring the Important Information ( Hand picking what people get to see and hear)
- Not doing enough for the ANY User regarding Predatorial behavior. (looking away)
- Censoring App/ Platform Problems (make users feel a false sense of security)
List can go on. Letting the platform go should be considered by everyone for safety and mental reasons. Having family and friends could make it difficult to think about switching but, it would make a difference !!! Think About It.
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