riddlething (art)

a lime green humanoid frog like creature with no facial features except a large blue eye. it is wearing neon purple floor length robe with many different colored shapes on it. It is wearing a tall pointed wizard hat which is blue with purple speckles. it has frog like hands with 3-5 fingers on each hand. it

 in a discord server im in somebody made up this thing called thinglets, and people started making thingletsonas, so this is my thingletsona. the other thinglets have dubbed me "riddlething", you can make your thingsona however but they have to follow the basic rules of having one eye, and having wings or at least winglike structures i guess? somebody said they pictured me as a wizard so i made mine a wizard.  the thinglet coven has a leader called the thingwarden who is currently trapped in a crystal orb by the thingenemy. and also the thinglets have a space ship but it's broken and they can't leave without the thingwarden anyways. i guess it's a roleplay or something? i don't know i think it's fun, haven't done anything like this sense like elementary school. weird thing is the server it happened in is a vulture culture server, that server has like a really nice community and some people there joined and eventually lost interest with the hobby but stayed for the people. I've made a lot of good friends on there. i think if i get better at coding and stuff i'll make a website for the thinglet coven. anyways i just thought this drawing was cute i really like it. 

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