my opinion on the [apple juice vs. orange juice] question.

          - The Orange juice and Apple juice debate -

    okay so speaking of the apple juice and orange juice. Everyone's asking which is better. but there's something we haven't talked about. GRAPE JUICE. it is so good. Its good, its sweet, i can never get tired of it. I can chug like 3 of those bad boys daily. 
    But what were talking about right now at the moment is orange juice and apple juice. And i think the obvious choice is... Orange juice. its honestly amazing. But apple juice is good to.  Which is why i'm gonna go list the pros and cons of each. (basically what i do and don't like about either). 
Pro's: i like the pulp in the orange juice because you get a little snack while u drink your drink. <3
the drink is always in ads when your having breakfast cereal. NOT apple juice. its filling and i am content after drinking a cup. it reminds me of soup, and i love soup. 
Con's: It makes my stomach kind of hurt after, because of the acidity. It kind of has a weird aftertaste. 
Pros: its a crisp and clean taste. refreshing when hot.
Cons: it makes my stomach hurt. And yet again it has a weird aftertaste. A cup of apple juice doesn't make me feel content. 

 This is why i think grape juice is better because,
1. it doesn't make my stomach hurt
3. it doesn't have an aftertaste in my opinion
4. it is overall better.
(you can have your own opinion btw <3 i'm not forcing u to think my way) 

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Apav's profile picture

First of all I love the energy of this post xD

Secondly, grape juice is really good, but for some reason so many people dislike the taste of grape???

I do prefer apple juice though just because I'm the opposite, grape juice makes me feel full and a bit overwhelmed pretty quick, while I could drink like a gallon of apple juice in a day

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