Diary entry 8 - traveling is literally the only thing I live for

- Friday - 25-03-2021 - 

Nothing really happened at work.  
Except that a half hour is not enough for me to make and eat breakfast, I keep getting almost too late at work, and then I have to ride my bike really fast and get there all sweaty. Also, for lunch I usually buy smoothies and morning drinks, and I'm tying every flavor, so far all good, I always like the banana ones. But orange mango is not my thing.

But I'm trying to make up my mind about schools. Tourism or Events.
Traveling is very important to me, saved my life in a way, my passion. Even when I was suicidal, I never did it because I knew that when I looked at my problems from the outside, it looked all so small. There is such a big world with all kinds of cultures and languages and I'm here being stressed about my little problems, that would all be fixed if I left it all. Traveling is the most peaceful, free and powerful feeling to me. The only moment of true peace I can have is being in a city I don't know, full of people that don't know me. Just in awe at the structures, the people, the weather. The amazing feeling of hearing a language you don't understand all around you.  And I don't have to do anything, but still I could do everything.
Everything I do in life it to travel, I don't care about my job, I just need it to travel. 
This is why I hate corona so much, it has made it harder for me to go anywhere. I did this thing where every summer I would go to a capital city. So in 2019 I went to Brussels, which was the first trip I planned by myself, and it was just me and my Ex who I was dating back then of course. Going without family and it was so cool. After that? Well, then corona quickly shut that down. Paris was next on the planning. Am I rich or something? Traveling each year by myself as a student? Well on my trip to Brussels is spent 600 euros, that's including hotel, transport, museums, and all food. I love planning trips, doing all the research and finding the cheapest way to do it.

So why would I not go for tourism manager?? Well, I'm scared that making this my job will ruin it all for me. Maybe ill have to deal with spoiled rich tourists. Who don't even care about the culture and the people. Hearing a language they don't know is just a hassle for them. They lock themselves up in their hotel, maybe the pool and the locked off part of the private beach...
Also, I won't be the one traveling, I will only be doing the calling, problem-solving. 
Events would be fun because I could do fantasy fairs and stuff, and I could be there and also be dressed. Or do I still need to do my job while being there?

Well to be honest it feels like I made up my mind, tourism it is.

Song of the day: Zonder Gezicht by Froukje

Reference list of characters in my diary
Always feel free to comment or ask questions in my diary/blog! I love to read and answer!! :)

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I understand how you feel 100% but idk did u consider that turning it into a job would ruin it for you not the way you'd think ig but if u got sick of traveling because the motives are for the job and you no longer get the joy of planning for yourself and exploring the world to the maximum extend and you'd be tied down and as a fellow lover of traveling i know having a job that is traveling it would take the control and planning aspect is especially in the personal way instead of a work kinda thing just my two cents take it with a grain of salt

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sorry for the late reply, i did think of that it would be less fun traveling for work but in my mind traveling is traveling i think. but i do agree. ill have to think about it some more

by Dr.Blackbloodanimesword; ; Report