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slowly adulting or something like that

i got my first credit card the other day and wtf did I first buy? Dr. Scholl inserts. lame. also I bought gas. my cars fucking suck, both get like 16-18 mpg, so at least now i have a little grace period to not get totally fucked out of my paycheck every time but living 20 miles away from anything is so tiring. i wish i lived somewhere with reliable public transport.

anyways i gave blood today. the dude who took my blood was fine af and sarcastic, dark hair, some tattoo's. yum. but i had to put the kitty away because i was p uncomfortable with a needle in my arm the whole time. i gave 480 mL, about half liter. the human body has 6 liters, so pretty cool. im probably going to donate again in 8 weeks just because i can. you never know what could happen, like what if i get hurt and need a shit ton of blood? im tryna put that good energy out in the universe for me. 

anyways this dude im talking to is pretty nice and all but i haven't had a crush on anyone since i was like 10 years old lmfao. i feel so bad, but this mans doesn't know how depressed i can be, plus ive got avoidant attachment style. i'd feel so bad if i turn him down but like... if nothings there, nothing is there yk. he goes to intern for medical school in like a week anyways, so i'd barely see him anyways. 

the end

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