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Category: Life

Do you believe in ghost?

I believe in a lot of paranormal things as well as myths. One of the things that I believe in the most are ghost. Theres so much evidence that has been captured. I know that there's obviously a lot of fake evidence out there. However I have had a couple experiences with ghost. I think I might even have one attached to me or one that lives in my house.

I first started to believe in ghost was when I visited an old fort in my city. It was apparently used for fur trading and then became a military area. I was in like 3rd grade when I went there. It was me a small group of people and the tour guide. She was talking about how the house has a lot of ghost activity. While we were in there several knocks could be herd. As well as footsteps when no one was walking. It was creepy and it made me believe in ghost. The second haunted place I have been to are these underground tunnels with some friends. The underground tunnels were used as a way to kidnap people and use them as slaves and it even had prostitution stuff going on. In one area I herd like someone singing a nursery rhyme. It was creepy because after that the guide went into a story about a mother and child that were there and ended the story about how people could hear someone singing quietly. It was creepy.
Those two places don't compare to what I have happened to me in my house though. It started off small. I would find things in places I didnt put them. I just pushed that aside and thought it was me just misplacing things. The first time I got really scared was when I walked into my kitchen and one of the drawers was forcefully pulled open. It was like a hard pull. I even tried to see if it would happen again or if it just slid open but there was no way it could have done that. Im someone who gets scared easily and having already believed in ghost I ended up saying " Im fine with you being here but just dont scare me a lot please ". Which was honestly a big mistake and I think that's where I basically welcomed it to follow me and mess with me. Because after that I have had several things move in front of me or things being thrown. At one point when I was in my room I saw my dresser drawer open and a book being pulled out and tossed my way. I always looked at it as just some ghost making fun of me or playing jokes on me. Which I thought at the time was ok. However recently it became worse. I have started to see a shadow figure around my house. One time I saw it peak out from a corner and look at me. It was so creepy. It has never hurt me until recently either. I've been shoved and even scratched. So I definitely believe in ghost.

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