My mother said once I fully clean and organize my room, and keep it clean for 3 weeks, she'll let me buy mice and keep them as pets! I already did a bunch of research about the enclosure needs and food and diseases they can get!
Mice are social creatures and like to be with others, so I'm gonna try to get 2 female mice! 2 females are better than 1 female/1 male because they wont be able to breed and over run me with babies. As for 2 males, males who aren't siblings tend to fight.
My mom wants to go with a cheaper option for the enclosure, which are those basic, tiny ass rodent starter homes :( Those are just cruel. I'm gonna let her buy one for me, but I'm gonna make a supplementary exricise/enclosure area by hand. I'll keep them in that more often than the tiny enclosure one.
I'm also gonna buy a couple toys and hand make others, so they have plenty of clutter, but also plenty of mental nourishment. Don't want them to be bored!
I did research on the types of diseases Mice die from, and what I found out is that they tend to die from respitory issues, tumors, torpor, etc. One way to prevent respitory issues is to make sure the bedding is not harmful, (fern and oak beddings are harmful) so I'm probably gonna try to find aspen substrate and fill it up nice and high so they can demonstrate burrowing tendancies!
This is all the stuff I researched on! Mice owners, please feel free to educate me and give me more tips in the comments pls!!
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