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I really really wanna learn more about witchcraft, feel free to DM me and educate me about LITTERALY ANYTHING thannkkssss <33

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Henry/Kitsune's profile picture

im a witch! i can tell u abt it if yous want

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Yes ofccc, I really wanna get more educated so anything helps!!

by leio 🫀; ; Report

Theres different types of witches/ways to practice witchcraft. Not everyone believes the same thing, nor does everyone practice it for the same reason. Some (like me) do it for a more therapeutic reason.

by Henry/Kitsune; ; Report

Idrk what all people do it for or what it is designed for specifically but I'm trying to learn about like manifestation and like crystals kinda? To like help keep my life in balance a little yk

by leio 🫀; ; Report

Rule #1 of any good witchcraft practice is to never, ever rely solely on witchcraft. For my practice, its there to guide me and bring good luck. If you are sick, see a doctor before you try anything (you may even be allergic to some of the things youre using...). It cannot 100% change the world, but it can help me feel guided and bring me peace of mind. (from here on out im gonna talk about my specific practice, which may or may not reflect others) (also some things in my practice include/are influenced by things in my culture)

When it comes to crystals and gemstones, I use them as a reminder and a guiding thing as I mentioned before. Meditation is a must, especially when youre actively doing a spell or a ritual. It helps you connect to the greater world. For example, if im doing a protection ritual for a loved one, I light my candles, put up my protection signs, and close my eyes and breathe in and out slowly. I think about the love and protection I have for my loved ones, and how grateful i am for them.

Another good thing to have is a kind of "protection" or sort of deity or symbol you include thats highly personal to you(or even something you just hold dearly). For me, its foxes/kitsune. I have fox charms and usually put them in my altar while I thank the fox spirits. I'm always sure to ask them for protection and thank them accordingly.

I also enjoy reading tarot for myself. I treat the cards as a reflection of my state of living for the week(example: if a reading is basically like "you are super stressed and things are coming" then I try to work on that to better myself).

Now, do you have to do all of this? No. Do you have to regularly do it? No. What being a witch means is different to every witch, and it will always be.

Also, dont let anyone tell you you NEED the expensive stuff. It is ALWAYS about the intention and meaning to apply to whatever it is youre using.

by Henry/Kitsune; ; Report