In lieu of anything to properly write about rn, here are a few pics of some of my model planes what i've made. Been doing it for the better part of a year now and while i still have room to improve, honestly, it's just plain fun to sit down with some plastic and a paint brush and just make something.
Some planes
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Hey plane guy, what are these planes called?
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First one's an A6m5c 'Zero', one of the japanese navy's fighters back in ww2. Second is an F-16 'Fighting Falcon', while by no means modern with it's first flight being in the 70s, it's still in active service in a buncha different airforces and was somewhat of a pioneer being the first fighter to have a fly-by-wire system for the control systems rather than the hydraulics as was standard at the time. Last one's a Bolton-Paul Defiant, a conceptually interesting concept ruined by reality, an interceptor with a turret as it's only armament, meaning that it was open to attack from pretty much anything directly in front of or below it.
sorry for the rambling, but i hope this answers your question ;)
by Berkut; ; Report