Some books I have loved recently!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid:

This book left me speechless. Personally it didn't just live up to my expectations, it well and truly exceeded them. The leading character, Evelyn, was so vibrant that I genuinely had to remind myself that she was a fictional character. I have so much love for this novel and I genuinely would urge anyone who sees this to pick up a copy! After reading this I went on to pick up Daisy Jones and the Six, also by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and honestly that was a great read too. Where to read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is similar to listening to a Taylor Swift album, reading Daisy Jones and the Six was more like listening to Fleetwood Mac. They both shone separately in their own rights, and - even if this could be considered a slight spoiler, which personally I don't think it is- they happily co-exist in the same fictional universe (which we know thanks to one particular character). I will definitely reread both as soon as deadline season is over and I can breathe again.
Weep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie:
I was immediately drawn to this book as soon as I found out it featured the legend of La Llorona. I was not diasppointed. It had me hooked to the point that I read the whole thing in one go. I loved the main character and the sheer bravery she had. The ending was truly a satisfying end to a great read. I am currently looking into more of Maria DeBlassie's work as I find the way she writes to be thoroughly enjoyable.
Verity and Layla, both by Colleen Hoover:
Lumping these two books together almost feels like an injustice, due to how stunning these books were individually. They both were not afraid to dive deep into difficult situations. Verity had me hooked from the start, and genuinely terrified me at times. It raises the important question of 'Can good people do bad things for good reasons?', resulting in an ending that leads the reader to draw their own conclusion. I really liked that, as it's not really something you would typically see in fiction. Layla, although I spent most of the book detesting the main character, was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Willow's character was my favourite, she was so sweet and I was extremely satisfied with how it ended. A paranormal romance but done right.

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DankMorgano's profile picture

I did not read "books" first, I read something else >.>

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oh dear XD

by Bethie :); ; Report