From Beverly Hills to Melrose!!<3

Went shopping with a friend, we were both hungover so we decided that we wanted to spend around $400 max on our Vivienne Westwood trip because our heads started to hurt. Of course we went over that limit. 

Los Angeles, I love you. 

My friend and I also stopped by Chloe Cherry's art show, she's the sweetest person ever. She was amazing at London Fashion Week and I loved her outfit at the Supriya Lele show. 

Her collages are right behind the hello kitty board. Besides her work in Euphoria, she's such a talented artist. 

Like I said, my friend and I were hungover. 

Treat yourself, you deserve the fun!! after a night of hedonism and mischief you have to take care of that brain of yours. Show yourself some love and affection and say yes whenever you're considering buying a $1000 dollar coat that you might regret later. 


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