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The Damage of a Narcissist

I wanted to step away from music for a moment and talk a little bit about my personal life.  I hope that this will help the people who are going through something similar or have dealt with it and are still having a hard time. Narcissists begin to hunt for supply,  To make you a runner up they will use you for financial stability, a place to stay or to straight up use you for their personal grain. 

There are 3 stages that an narcissist does to everyone, first the love bombing.  Love bombing is when they pretend to share your interest and passions. They will treat you like you are the one, the amazing person in their life.  In the first stage this is where they get ammunition to know more about you.

Second stage is they begin to disvalue you and place their insecurities on you, making you think you are the problem and your doing things wrong that are normal to you. In the Narcissist head they can do no wrong and do things like cheat and mess around specially in a relationship with out consequences. If you communicate and let them know of the problem or problems they will only switch it on you or start to make you out to be the bad person to mutual friends and family. 

The third stage is the discard. They will discard you meaning leave you if they can't control you or get anything from you, once you know what their true nature is. 

If things don't benefit them they will run, move or leave you for another supply. 

I'm going to stop here cause there is so much info about it. If you want to learn more visit YouTube like I did to learn more. 

I will leave with this" dont be mad or jealous of the new supply. The grass is never greener on the other side and remember there is only one of you and you can't be replaced. 

I hope this helps thank you for reading. 

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