
Dear Blog,

I decided to just have a little vent bc I'm so freaking mad right now!!!
I had science first period and it was literal torture like it has been this whole year.
My science teacher is honestly so mean and she's constantly in such a bad mood, I'm so scared bc I genuinely think I'm going to fail science this year because of her and I love science!!!
It sucks when you have a subject you love or anything you love rly and then that 1 person just has to go and ruin it.

Thxs for listening,
Rose xx

P.s I wrote this in drama, I lurveeeee drama :) 

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lila <3

lila <3's profile picture

ur actually so good at science i rlly hope she doesnt mess ur grades up xx

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I just know she won't let me get past E, I swear she thinks I'm like stupid or smith :///

by loverose.x; ; Report

I mean M, I want E's lol

by loverose.x; ; Report

omg yeah i love mrs p but she didn't explain how to get an E so my parents r gonna think im getting dumber :0

by lila <3; ; Report

the struggle :(

by loverose.x; ; Report