heyy i've been up for 2 hours just getting ready and stuff to go and watch my bf in his theatre show thingy! i'm NERVOUS because i'm watching it with his grandparents and i've never met them, but i'm quite comfortable with his mums now. i feel so pressurised because idk if this is supposed to be a big thing cus we only kids and we've been dating a bit over 2 months and i have badd social anxiety and i can't get my words out right when i'm nervous ITS JUST A BIT SCARY although it's worth it i suppose hehe.
yk that one character in theatre that's known as the comedic one? the one that all the audience absolutely LOVE. that's my bf's role. the only downside is that, the show itself is an altered version of cinderella, and he has to fight for her and it's all romancey and he is a very attractive person in general and so is his cinderella. </3
anyways that's all i really have planned for today. i don't have any homework to do for tomorrow really so i could take a little break from schoolwork... or i could get on with the coursework i'm behind in. In reality, i know i won't get any work done tonight because i'm off to my bf's for dinner after the show and i dont wanna do schoolwork at his place lol.
anyways i gtg my lunch is getting cold - i'll update soon xx
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