Sad day to be a hopeless romantic

This may be because I have been watching so much foreign romance tv, BUT I WANT TO BE IN LOVE.. but not like forever in love like the fling u have for a couple of months but then one of u has to leave and u end the relationship w no bad ties and adore each other even after. i recently got rejected n for a second i was like “this is what i get for putting myself out there” but like no ?? that instance was the first time i was healthy and sincere in my romantic intentions. n honestly the universe was probably looking out bc i later found out he was leading me on and playing multiple ppl anyway. after my last relationship i vowed to love openly and without limiting myself, and truly i believe i have stuck to it and all i need to do is wait for someone who wants the same thing to come around. and yes it’s been a while since i’ve been romantically involved w anyone, but i think it’s rlly good bc i’ve learned respect for myself and others. i want to be the best partner when i am one, but i also think the reason i haven’t come across a partner is bc i am yearning for it. so let’s pretend i didn’t say i wish i was hopelessly in love so it will come to me 😭

0 Kudos


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