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Diary entry 2 - Is Independence good tho?

- Saturday - 19-03-2022 -

Today my alarm went at 6:30 AM, because I had to be at work at 8 at [Supermarket]. I always give myself first a half hour to check my socials and play cookierun then a half hour to eat (which is never actually enough). Today just like every other day I ate 4 pieces of toast with jam for breakfast and took 4 pieces of bread with "appelstroop" (Apple syrup?? idk if it translates, google gives different pics then what I mean, maybe it's a Dutch thing) but okay. So I go to work tired AF. work is not that hard just boring, times goes so slow. But now I get to think about the next thing I will write on my blog, which makes it a lot more fun! 

So I was doing my job and I saw a dad with 2 young girls, both around the same age as the girls from yesterday, but these were acting a lot more childish. Where the 3 girls from yesterday acted very mature even tho these all are around the same ages. In my blog from yesterday I praised the girls for their independence but now seeing these girls getting to be childish like they're supposed to be at this age, does this Independence take away from their childhood? Does it force kids here to grow up too fast? After some thinking, I came to the conclusion that that was not true, it's responsibility that robs children of their childhood. Kids doing some groceries, that's fine. Kids being responsible for the groceries for the household or so that they themselves eat, not okay. A bit or responsibility is fine, of course, a kid is after all mostly responsible for its own actions. And giving a kid small responsibilities is also fine, things like chores. Things that they should learn to do in a routine, but it's not the end of the world if they forget or do it a bit later. But some kids get way harder responsibilities that do not fit a kid, like I said, kids getting the responsibility of providing food for the household or even just for themselves, kids needing to get medicine for sick parents, or at all having the responsibility to care for a sick parent. But I feel like the most common and most overlooked one is giving the oldest kids responsibility over the other siblings. This could be fine if it's for a short time, like when they are babysitting for an evening, or if they take the other sibling somewhere. But if this is a more long term thing or for some even a "normal" daily thing then it becomes a problem. And that kid is forced to grow up too fast. 

Some backstory about my job, So I have only had this job for 2 weeks now XDI work only in the vegetable department or AGF as it's called. It stands for Aardappelen Groenten Fruit, which translated is Potatoes Vegetables Fruit. So it's a lot of heavy lifting, and it's very cold, always 16 degrees (60 Fahrenheit) at our part of the store. And in the glass cooling walls, it 1 degrees (33 Fahrenheit). So to be in there with your hands all day can get a bit cold. I'm trying to work my way up to the "Kitchen departmentthat's the part of the store where they make fresh sushi, pizza's, salads and other things. 

So that was my brain rant for today
Let's see what are other things that happened at my 9-hour shift... First of all "Killing Me Softly With His Song - Fugees started playing, which made me laugh because if you know u know. So I sat there, assuming the radio guy was reading smut. 

Today Manager Sla was here instead of Manager Mais  I like Sla more since he lets me do everything. Where Mais thinks he has to do everything otherwise it won't be good enough. I had break time with Sla and I leaned he has kids. I thought it was a joke at first, so I laughed, I assumed he was around my age like in his early 20s. But I didn't ask his age…

This was my first job where I could be trans stealth since I officially changed my name and everything some time ago, so I didn't have to explain any of that. But one and a half week into this job and someone asked if I was trans and that she could notice it about me- then later she said "no I really wouldn't be able to tell that you were born a girl" like ????? Then how did you notice. Bro, I got top surgery, but I think ima look if I still have those binders to hide that dumbstruck. It's just how you recognize any tansguy.

But today I was ashamed because I noticed I actually don't know a lot of vegetables, so when people ask to "look for them in the back" I come back with the wrong ones.
For instance, today someone asked me to look for 
eggplant and I came back with a courgette... Okay but listen in Dutch they both have a hard name, so I just lump the names together in my brain, if someone would ask for eggplant I would know but nooo they ask for "Aubergine". Then someone else asked where the beets were, and I showed them to the radishes.... Listen I had already worked for 8,5 hours at that point so- but yeah I felt stupid…    Yesterday someone asked for "Taugé" (Bean sprouts) and I completely forgot what it was and what I looked like, no brain, even tho i should know, we eat it all the time with the Nasi.

Today, my sister and I went to the Turkish place to buy some kebab for dinner. They really upped their prices, I would usually get a Turkish pizza there so big that it was too big for me for 1,30. Now one kabab is 4,50! But I mean good for them, I guess it's just a small business after all. Anyway we usually don't get take away, but my mom was cleaning and forgot the time, then had to bring dinner to grandma and grandma said she was lonely, so my mom took her over to our house for the evening. Btw my grandma is 97, that is older than the queen of England! For reference: she was 15 when World War 2 started and 21 when it ended! But more about her war stories another time. 
So usually my grandma's memory is pretty good, playing trivia against here was a guaranteed lose. But it really went downhill in the past year, i already thought it was bad at Christmas when she repeated the same question 3 times in a row and gave the exact same reactions 3 times in a row because she had forgotten that she asked. 
But today she asked where my dad was, if he would join us for dinner. My mom told her my dad died 2 years ago. At first, she looked shocked, but then she said, "I wasn't sure if I just dreamed that or not". And I can kinda relate to that. When I have dreams where my dad is still here, it feels so normal. Almost so normal that even once you wake up, you forget the truth. Anyway, it was just kinda shocking to see my grandma's memory is really bad now. 

Well this was a long entry, but I wanted to give some backstory on some things. See you tomorrow!

Song Of The Day: Too Late Now - wet leg

Reference list of characters in my diary
Always feel free to comment or ask questions in my diary/blog! I love to read an answer!! :)

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bEetle☆!'s profile picture

i dont know why i read the whole thing, i dont usually read blogs. but this was really sweet.

im sorry about your dad! :(
and props to your trans identifying college LMAO
also the way you wrote about maturity really touched me. i dont know. i was forced to grow up really fast but nobody cared? at all. i didnt know people think about others being too mature or too early mature.
i got responsibilities for both of my little siblings now. you being like... proud of those mature girls almost made me cry!

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I'm glad you liked my blog! :)
I really think people should think more about making their kids responsible for siblings. It almost feels like child abuse when you really think about what it does with that child in the long run, But it's so accepted. It feels like it's so normal, but it can be very hard on the oldest. I'm not even the oldest child myself, but it's so interesting hearing stories from families and how the oldest and youngest child usually experienced childhood wildly different.
I'm glad my story could help you! :)

by Dr.Blackbloodanimesword; ; Report