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Category: Religion and Philosophy


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Count or don't count, the choice is yours, either way..
(Give yourself some time)
What is freedom?
What comes to mind when we think about freedom?
Is freedom any of those things?
Or is it the idea of those things?
Is freedom an idea?
Is that all it is?
Or is it more?
Is it how we conceptualize the idea that defines it?
Does our concept of freedom exist outside our minds?
If so, how does it effect other's concepts and ideas of freedom?
Does our concept of freedom endanger anyone elses?
Do they deserve freedom as well?
How do we accomplish that?
Can it be accomplished, or merely conceptualized?
If it can be conceptualized, surely a way exists to accomplish such goals.
So.. Then.. How?
It is my personal belief (just my opinion) that we can begin by listening.
Even to the difficult things.
Maybe even especially the dificult things.
We may not all agree, but we can agree to disagree.
And still have our own ideas of freedom.

3 Kudos


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