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Category: Life

public diary entry one - march 19 3am

hi hi hi. have to redo my hair sometime this weekend; the red's fading lmao. there's this writing contest thing my teacher wants me to enter in, and i have to get something together for that; i'm just gonna rework some old poems and mush 'em together. a frankenpoem, if you will - you probably won't. that is okay and i do not blame you. ANYWAYS lol. i've been sick the last few days, so i've missed class & have to do some make-up work - no funnn. it's cool though, there's not a lot of it. i can put it off until sunday - i'm gonna have fun tomorrow night - as much fun as i can have with a cold lol. maybe i'll text this one guy - calling him A. i decided i was finally done with my ex because he truly hasn't shown that he's grown at all - i think i'll make a separate post to rant about him haha. i'm sure someone would get a kick out of that. either way, the only guy i can really "talk" to right now is A, and one of our mutual BFFs said i shouldn't - but what's the fun in that? i'll ask him why not, and if it's not convincing, i'll do it anyways, because who's gonna stop me. it's gonna be difficult bc he's a senior and i have NO classes with him but believe me when i say it's worth it. we're both scorpios, he's calm and quiet, and he bowls. he's very very handsome and stares when i pass him. i think it'd work well purely based on vibes. ANYWAYS AGAIN. apparently i missed a big fight while i was sick (i was out wednesday, thursday and friday - it's very early saturday morning, and i'm feeling way better, but i feel like my nose is going to be stuffed again when i wake up. i think i'll be better by monday. i hope so.) i've yet to get full context to ANYTHING but my rough estimate is that M (using initials instead of names just in case) posted a picture of B on her & W's birthday (B and W are twins) and W beat the shit out of him for it. sounds like M's' brother J got involved somehow but i'm not sure how accurate that is. i think B could have been involved in the fight. either way it's fucking wild. apparently W got M pretty good though; they're considering charges. i'll update yall when i get the full story. i don't think he was really justified in beating the shit out of M - there had to have been better ways - but he's still young. he just turned 15. his decision-making skills aren't the best. i guess this is a unique take because the only 2 opinions i've seen have been "fuck this kid he should rot" and "free my boy" - not shocking because this is an american public high school. god i should make my life into a movie one day. so many crazy little stories and facts. so much happening all the time. that's kind of why i wanted to start the public diary - as a kind of archive for anyone to come look at. it's brutal out here. i'm signing off to go to sleep. idk if i'm gonna sleep but my eyes hurt and i need to get off my laptop lmfao goodnight

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