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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Euphoria is overrated and lacks black representation and other POC representation

i feel like a huge weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

maybe many ppl will see this
maybe not
regardless, i feel so relieved i can say this publicly.
euphoria is overrated.
i saw the first episode of season 1 of euphoria- didn't like it. couldnt even finish the whole episode
a girl sleeping with an older man, teenagers getting high and taking drugs just for the hell of it, cringeeeee
super unrealistic for most teenagers for one( not saying all teens dont relate but majority dont!) 
that show glamorizes drugs, hookups,cheating, and many other toxic things!
like i know so many teenagers who glamorize vaping and smoking and make it their whole personality and its so cringe!
now if you smoke or drink occasionally i get it- but smoking and drinking every day just cus and make it your whole personality and PURPOSELY intoxicate yourself to "eScApE UoUr dEmOnS"  is self destructive and that why i think euphoria is cringe as hell bc they're glamorizing that shit. pretending to be addicted or obsessed w vaping and drinking is a slap in the face to the teens and ppl who are ACTUALLY addicted to abusing substances. 
anyway to conclude this topic i feel like im one of the only 18 yr old who just doesnt fw euphoria but yeah idk the show is just cringe?? but who knows if they get more interesting or bring more blk ppl on the show in the future i might check it out

( Next topic: blk girl / POC representation)
I notice in many teen shows like euphoria almost every character is the same: its always the Burnett,the Blondie, and the super light skinned mixed girl.
what abt other representation? dark skinned girls? girls with wider hips, wider noses,lips, 4c hair
all we see on tv is 3 token girls with European features that pass the ideal beauty standard and im tired of it!
 bottom line is blk girls nd other POC are misrepresented and dont hv enough postive young representation on tv shows/movies and it sucks ! start presenting more dark skin girls, more chubby girls, more Indian , asian, disabled girls more on tv ! 

For the negative comments: i rlly dont give a fuck and if ur not a person of color, u probably might not understand what im talking abt in terms of blk or POC representation- 

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Orion's profile picture

i’ve noticed a lot of shows romanticize things that should not be romantic in any sort of way (drug abuse, abusive relationships, cheating, minors with adults, etc) and also try to cave to normative set standards.

euphoria happens to be all that and just overall just super problematic in all the ways it can be.

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