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i saw this on tiktok and thought this was so cool, i always wanted to be on myspace so this is perfect!
i thought i might use this as a blog since i want to make new friends and i think it might be fun!
this is going to sound really stupid but the first thing i want to talk about is boy problems. and theres a couple problems haha.
first things first, i dont quite think im over my ex. i mean i might be over him as a person, but i miss our realtionship so so so so so so so so bad. what we had was really special and the reason we broke up was because his friend told him too. it was such a shitty decision on his part but what can i do.
second thing, there's this guy at my school, who really really likes me. but like in an obsessive way. ive read some text messages that were between my friend and him and he said something along the lines of "i wont stop loving her until we go our seperate ways" aka until we graduate high school. that is in a year and a half. it worries mebcause he has to move in. and ontop of that he's the second guitarist in the band im in. so its like really hard to avoid him. there's the spring fling coming up at our school and i have a feeling he might try and ask me to the dance. and i really hope that doesnt happen because i will feel really bad saying no. i mean, i could always use the excuse that im on student ocuncil and i will be too busy to dance but that wont be convincing enough i feel like. the other alternative is that i invite an out of school friend that im interested in and tell him that i already have a date. it might break his heart but its better that and have him move on. 
now going on to the out of school friend, he's really nice and i would like to get to know him better, but idk if im ready for a relationship again since my ex. it would probably help me a lot if i get to know this friend better but my ex is always on my mind these days for some reason and im not sure why. 
now enough with my boy problems, let me talk about the epic band that im in.
we're five people. me, the singer, edouard, the drummer, olivier the basist, felix, the lead guitarist and dalio the second guitarist. we decided on the name raspberry milk and i feel like it goes well the only problem is that you do not expect the kind of music we play haha. we play rock/indie music. think greenday, the cranberries, 3 doors down, kiss...etc the only thing is, id we lack communication between each other. felix never listens and is really persistent and stubborn when it comes to choosing songs. we have a show coming up at the PAF, which is a really big thing for us because we will be performing infront of 350+ people. felix really wanted to do fade to black. me, oliivier and dalio wanted to do 21 guns. edouard didnt really care, he was just excited to play. we just couldnt decide, and we held a vote and consulted the teachers and we chose 21 guns. then after school, me and felix got into a fight in the message group for in the band. i felt bad but he just wouldnt listen and i had to get mad and be blunt to him. i told him that fade to black was too long and that i only sang for like 2 minutes not even in a SEVEN minutes song yet he still was too dense to understand. so i stopped talking and let the rest of the guys take care of it. i couldnt be bothered with arguing with someone who wouldnt listen

sorry for such the long blog post, i guess they'll be more vent posts than anything but hey, i gotta vent somehwere right? xD

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