
Okay so i'm gonna list some of my favorite low-cal snacks and foods that ACTUALLY fill you up and keep you healthy bc why not. i'm sick of seeing people starve themselves to lose weight when you can lose it healthily while still eating yummy food.Β 

1. pretzels~okay im talking about pretzel sticks. like the ones you can get at aldis. just add some peanut butter on the side and its legit so good. 3 pretzel sticks are only 110 cals so if you break them into a bunch of mini sticks to trick yourself into thinking you ate more its a rly good snack.Β 
2. CARROTS~no i will not let this go. 1/5th of a giant BAG of bby carrots is 30 CALS. wth. i straight up eat them dry and just binge on them if i'm hungry in the middle of the night.Β 
3. eggs. i will get home and just straight up cook an egg for a snack. it fills you up and its only 70 calories. hell yes. add some cheese on that baby and you can round that up to 100. perfect snack or small breakfast.
4. homemade nachos. 160 cals worth of tortilla chips with cheese on top is around 200 cals. you can put it on a scale if you don't trust my numbers. but anyways i eat this all the time it was literally my lunch today.Β 
5. apples. super good and one medium apple is legit 90 calories. hell yes. but yeah just some tips that helped me lose a few:)
(no i am not promoting ed behaviors if you are showing symptoms or are having trouble with eating or food get help please.)

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πΎπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘–β˜½'s profile picture

Okay actually thank you for this. I have trouble eating at times and this is actually really helpful.

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glad i could help. lmk if you wanna talk to me about anything.

by chelsey<3; ; Report