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Category: Life

The Beacon's Log

The Beacon's Log #1: 10-21-2020
After months of trying, I finally got a job today! As soon as my background check goes through I'll be starting and management said it'd probably be about two weeks. 
Went to try to donate plasma again and for the third time in a row I couldn't donate due to a high pulse (Am I Okay?) The last few times I have convinced others to come and donate as well though.
While sitting in the parking lot waiting for one of them to come out somebody hit my truck. To no surprise no real damage happened to it. I jumped out checked on the guy who accidentally hit me, he was also fine and only issue was his headlight popped out, but he fixed it easily.
On the way home there was a wrecked car off in the ditch. So we pulled a U-turn and checked to see if everyone was okay. The driver was an EMT on his way to work who fell asleep behind the wheel. Witnesses said his car went into the ditch, hit a brick area, then flipped and rolled. Then he just opens the door and get out of the car like he was fine. Since he was okay I started to help others clean up the wreckage from the road and the ditch and after the police arrived I talked to a few people and went home. 
It was an eventful day.

The Beacon's Log #2: 10-31-2020.
Honestly I expected things to go differently today. I was supposed to have a dinner with friends, but no one showed. Kinda disappointed there. It is what it is though. 
My wife and I took the baby around on his first Halloween and it was actually kinda fun. I used the chance to do some patrolling as well and everything seemed fine. People walking around enjoying themselves, the "haunted" maze had a long line like every year, and this year there was no sirens going off in town at all. It was peaceful. I did witness a beautiful fox chase a rabbit though. It's fur glistened in the full moons light. 
So there wasn't much tonight, but it was still fun. I'm upset I didn't get to do my Samhain dinner, but I still got plenty of years to do that. Happy Halloween everyone!

The Beacon's Log #3: 11-22-2020
Tonight was the first time I've ever called the cops on a neighbor. So I guess it's story time. 
It's midnight, 40°, & Raining so my neighbor decided to throw a dog no bigger than a chihuahua outside because they're tired of taking care of it. 😤
This is not the first time they've thrown the dog out into the cold, I've seen it out here multiple times at night. This time was the final straw though. I knocked on their door, they refused to take the dog in because "it causes messes." It's a fuckin dog, if you can't handle taking care of it, you shouldn't of got it in the first place. 
I walked back to my house and grabbed my phone. Animal control didn't answer so I called the local police department and explained the situation. Few minutes later they came over. Knocking on my neighbor's door she finally swung open her door and immediately cussed the officers out and saying she wasn't taking the dog in. "I was trying to throw it out." She said before slamming the door in the cops face about three times.
Due to the cops being persistent, she finally let it in after calling it a "stupid piece of shit". Damn I don't like saying this kinda stuff. But she should look in the mirror and take the officer's advice, "If you don't want the dog, put it up for adoption."
THE ILLUMINATED LIFE FOUNDATION's goal is to brighten the lives of others. This includes plants, animals, and people. So when we see an animal being treated terribly like this we can't sit back and do nothing.
It is my responsibility as founder of T.I.L and proud member of the Havana, IL Neighborhood Watch to report any activities like this. If I see the dog out again at night in the cold, I'll take it in myself and take it over to a no kill shelter the next day so it can get to a good home where it will be loved. 
This is The Beacon, Stay Bright Everyone!

The Beacon's Log #4: 11-25-2020
I've been busy lately. Helping with the monthly food drive last night, we had 450 cars show up. A volunteer was terrible though and took 5 boxes of food. She won't be coming back. Next week I'm going to be helping with Toys For Tots. They've had a huge part on my childhood no it's my turn to help.
I've also recruited two people who wanted to be in the RLSH. They go by The Ladd and Foxtrot. We will be training soon. Hopefully more recruits in the future. 
Today I've managed to get an event planned out called "Clothes The Door" and I got a maybe on two out of three locations. I'll be in three different towns, one a day and I'll be taking donations of old clothes from people to pass out to the homeless in 2022 at the event I'm planning for Chicago called WhatABrightLife. 
Tomorrow I'll be making a post on the Illuminated Life Foundation's page as well.
So as I said I've been busy lately lol.
This is The Beacon ~ Shine Bright Everyone!

The Beacon's Log #5: 12-5-2020
Lately I've been busy. In twenty-one days I'm hosting my first event and even though the date is kinda far it feels as if the twenty sixth is quickly approaching. It's going though. Here's what I've been up to.
• Work
• Planning Event
• Putting posters up
• Trying to get The Illuminated Life Foundation legally recognized. 
• Waiting till Monday so I can apply for an EIN number from the IRS. 
It's a lot right now, but I gotta make sure to remember what everyone keeps telling me. "In RLSH, Real Life comes first."
Last night I made a GoFundMe called "Legalization of The Illuminated Life Foundation." It's gonna be almost $2000 after everything is taken care of, but I believe I can reach this goal.
With the "ClothesTheDoor" event I've made some progress. I got a confirmation on the location for Canton, Illinois, haven't quite got it for Havana though and I'm running out of time.. I did manage to make a job on Facebook though. Now people to volunteer at the event.
This is all for today, gotta get back to work. Remember to shine bright and you can help make a difference. #NoHearstForEarth

The Beacon's Log #6: 12-16-2020
Once again I've been busy. There is only ten days left until the Clothes The Door and things couldn't be more crazy. So let me explain.
I've recently been in contact with the radio station and they said they're going to make an announcement about the event. Been having a few difficulties with getting in contact with the local shelter, but it is what it is. Yesterday something great happened. 
I was contacted by a news station based out of Peoria, Illinois and they want me to do a live interview over zoom on the twenty-first this month. In this interview we'll be discussing The Illuminated Life Foundation and the event we're hosting. I'm excited, but nervous as hell. 
Mentally I'm doing better too! Yes somedays I have some bad moments, but it's gotten better. I need to refill my medication though. With the support of family and friends I'm doing a lot better.
We'll this is it for now, stay bright everyone!

The Beacon's Log #7: 03-06-2021
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've done one of these. How is everyone doing? I have not been able to  do a lot of RLSH work lately due to the lack of a vehicle, but I'm still trying. 
I'm starting to slim back down finally, been getting out and walking everyday. I'd like to reach my goal and get back under 200 lbs by the end of the year. Today I found some flowers next to my door that seem to be withering away, so I'm gonna start trying to get those to grow.
Away from personal stuff, I plan to start patrolling again in the near future and I'm also still working on setting things up for the TIL TOMORROW event I'm hosting. Still had no luck earning anything to make the foundation a legal nonprofit though and that's kinda depressing.
The Havana Park District is starting a community garden in the spring and said they would love for me to help with that, so that's gonna be fun when it starts.
I think that's all I really have for now so Stay Bright Everyone!

The Beacon's Log #8: 04.22.2021
Since the eighteenth of this month I've been in Champaign, Illinois spending time with my wife's family and a few friends. It's been interesting actually. 
Dealing with some of that lovely Illinois weather I had to postpone my patrol for a few nights, but last night I finally got to go. Since this was my first patrolling in the city since October of 2020 I decided to bring a friend along who has been trying to continue my mission in Champaign since I left. He goes by "The Irish Angel."
"The Irish Angel" and I started our patrol around 2:45 am UTC about a block or two from Green St. And like most nights it was calm. With it being a Wednesday night it was really busy out. This was also my first time in my suit so I was pretty nervous about what people would say. Turns out since it was Campus Town, nobody cared. 
We walked around and it was a really calm night, I know you're not always gonna run into something so it was fine. Said hi to few a people, picked up a lot of trash, gave a few people directions, and honestly just had some much needed fun with a friend. We didn't run into any homeless last night actually, great work C-U at Home, you're shelters have been doing amazing. 
After this we went off to one of my favorite spots called Shipyard. Shipyard is a place where people can go and express themselves with graffiti and there are some really artistic people out there. 
Today I went to the Japan House to get some relaxation. I took a few pics, almost got in a skirmish with a goose, and meditated a bit. I think that was a good way to end my week in Champaign. Heading home tomorrow, but the last few days up here kinda made me miss the city. 
This is it for now. Stay Safe & Stay Bright Everyone! ~ The Beacon

The Beacon's Log #9: 06/08/2021
It's been a while since I posted a log, a little under two months I believe. I guess I've been doing alright. I've noticed so much chaos going on around lately though, friends losing family members, my family members have been ill, we've all lost friends recently I guess. I don't even know how I'm doing health wise, I feel fine, but my doctor, wife, and friends are worried about me. I kind of hope I can get over whatever there is going on inside, but at the same time I don't. 
Besides that, I have been busy. I got the spot set up for me to host this years ClothesTheDoor event and even got some really nice posters made. I have a little over two months to get the word around so I hope I can do it. Today I was supposed to get my tattoo for Umbratica, but my tattoo artist actually had a little boy recently so I can't blame him for rescheduling. Family is important and always comes first. I haven't done much helpful things lately to be honest. Recently between work and family, things haven't been as easy as I've been hoping, but that's been the last two years for everyone. In order for me to continue to try to help others I have to keep on a smile, even if I don't want to anymore. 
In regards to the #2GallonChallenge I did it, but my camera took a crap on me soooooo
I have to do a round two. Oh well, I'm fat I need the exercise anyway. In my second attempt, I'll be walking the 5K through Champaign, Illinois but with my bag full of a little over two gallons in water bottles that I'll be passing out to people to really simulate H.O.P.E. I'm sorry that I didn't manage to do the second part of Rock's & Bug's challenge. I really wanted to, just been dealing with the "Real Life" portion of things. 
Well I guess this is all I really have right now, try to stay bright everyone.

The Beacon's Log #10: 7/25/2021
In exactly a month is this years Clothes The Door event then I'll be getting ready for Chicago HOPE 2021- The Return Of on September 11th. I don't have much to report on this time, but I have a few good things.
For The Illuminated Life Foundation side of things I've been trying to make the foundation look more professional starting by redoing the whole YouTube Channel. (Tinyurl.com/TILTube) On the channel I'll have updates with the events we're doing, a new Following The Beacon segment, Challenges, & More! So I'm excited for that. Still having issues trying to make a good looking business card though. 
On to events. As mentioned already The ClothesTheDoor event is only a month away so I'm hoping word has gotten out enough. Around October I'll be hosting a small art contest to spread some positivity to the students at the local high school. This year has been rough for a lot of them so it's nice to help out a bit.
Not much for personal things today other than in a few months or even sooner my family and I are going to be moving back up towards the city. We'll be about half an hour from Champaign, but that's close enough. That seems like all I have for now, Stay Bright Everyone!

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