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Category: Games

new game project i'm working on


recently i've been working a little bit on an interesting game idea i had. i have always been interested in weird little joke games/"anti-game"s, such as たけしの挑戦状 [takeshi's challenge], penn & teller's smoke and mirrors, hong kong 97, postal 2, you know the drill.

a few mornings ago, tired as hell, i came up with a concept: a cryptocurrency/NFT tycoon. i should state before continuing that i think the concept of crypto and the NFT are horrible ideas that I will not go into here, but it's safe to say i have an admittedly biased view of them. taking these views and adding my stupid cynical sense of humor is basically what this game is, or will be when/if i finish it.

i spent a good few hours on a prototype, working in corel click n create [an updated version of the classic maxis/europress "klik n play" game creation suite, now known as clickteam fusion]. controls are simple, bash X to mine, press S to pussy out. it should be obvious that the game is nowhere near finished, in fact, just barely started, but hey, a game is there!

the story is about an entrepreneur who is on his last legs before discovering crypto as a way to make money, blissfully unaware of the consequences and challenges to be faced. i plan to add way more features to the game, including a store [for the NFT part], little ticker messages depending on your score, and a changing value for every time X is bashed. there are also the placeholder bank account/crypto wallet/social media scores which should eventually be actual scores.

you will notice every ending is bad - this is intentional, for reasons that should be obvious.

pls keep in mind it may not run on windows 11 very well, as corel click n create was made in the mid 90s... despite that, i have tested it on my modern machine and it works fine.

a note: strong language is present throughout the thing.

the following is for nerds that so happen to own a legal copy of corel click n create to explain what i am doing, though it should be easy by just peering thru the project file. if u know how to fix the bugs i am currently facing, let me know, i'm still trying to figure it out!

you will notice this is prototype #2, the first one is pretty much the same with some different font choices. i also fixed a few minor bugs along the way.

i've added some really basic debug controls that will likely be removed/more hidden in the final game. in the high scores menu, press the shift key, the back button will be replaced with a "secret debug button", click it to automatically start a new game with debug mode on. main controls are unaffected, but three new commands are added as well:
- Z will set the score to 0, which will kill you instantly
- C will set the score to 99999, which is the max score, and will subsequently give you a special game over
- A will add 500 to the score. this will be much easier for debugging the "pussy out" screen messages, or for getting to the end quicker
- Delete [or Del] will turn debug mode off

value 1 is the debug value
- when the game screen detects value 1 is set to 7, debug mode is on
- the game does not currently use any value for debugging
- debug mode adds the above commands, and some text at the bottom to indicate when it's on

value 16 is the reset value, don't screw around with it!
- this value will reset the score every time a new game begins
- when the game screen detects value 16 is set to 2, the game will set the score to 25 and lives to 1
- the game will set the value of 16 to 1 every time a game begins and is finished

comment or message with any questions you may have, i'll try my best to answer!

hope you enjoyed this look at my project! there'll be more updates to come :)


2 Kudos


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