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i'm not your manic pixie dream girl i'm just autistic

when is the discussion of the sexualization of nuerodivergent tendencies gonna open exactly?? cause i know it can't just be me watching how movies make this quirky "cool girl" every guy's dream because she's different, mysterious, eccentric and has all these little strange habits. the term manic pixie dream girl has been coined but lets all finally be honest with ourselves...she's just on the spectrum. ik we all know that the NTs are boring but i refuse to believe that margo roth spiegelman just wanted to write differently because it's "unfair to the letters in the middle" ummm no you just fixate on your handwriting and like to arrange it like that because it scratches your brain in a good way. or it could just be me because i'm tired of being compared to them.

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Harlo's profile picture

Pleaseeee you are so fuckin right. I was talkin to this guy and I have ADHD and auditory processing issues so One day he’s like you arent like other people with ADHD you’re kinda calm. I thought people with ADHD couldn’t sit down and were fun and crazy And he low-key seem disappointed I wasn’t like the ADHD stereotype and wasn’t full of fake traits from movies that are used to accentuate the characters ADHD and make it their whole personality.

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no literally!! they get so surprised when we’re “high functioning” as if ND ppl are just supposed to sit without a thought in their head and flap their hands

by ꕥ Kxe ꕥ; ; Report

That’s what I’m saying man thought I was Finna be on Spider-Man time in jumping on walls and shit like SIR PIPE TF DOWN

by Harlo; ; Report