Half of the time my sketchbooks are colorless and empty, so recently, I've been trying to fill them up with lots of stuff and colors, to give it that girthy used effect. I always used to treat my sketchbook gently and like a work of god, but the best way to use a sketchbook in my opinion, is to ill it with so much random stuff, trash, notes you find, art, etc. STUFF IT UP. I'll be listing the methods I use to fill my sketchbook up down below.
1. Trash Pages
filling your sketchbook full of trash you find, or stuff you find interesting, is one of the best ways to fill a sketchbook. Treat it as a place that is mean tot be messy, fill it up with whatever you find. I recently started a new page full of trash I find or make during my daily life. I have scented bookmarks, orange stickers, hall passes, Cup lids and so on in there. Fill it up and be messy!
2. Sticky note coverage
If you have art that you dont like, or that you messed up on, put a colorful sticky-note over it and redraw it, or connect the lines from the old drawing onto the sticky-note. It adds color and makes your sketchbook nice and thick,
3. Collages
Making collages in your sketchbook can be really fun and relaxing. Find magazines full of things you like, cut stuff out and paste it down into your sketchbook! make something new and creative, or even make a storyboard!
Now I'm gonna get into how to get rid of artist´s worst enemy..Artblock. I HATE artblock and its so annoying, especially when I'm motivated but have nothing to draw.
1. Random word generators
Random word generators allow you to draw new things, based off of the selection of words you get from the randomizer. It gives you a prompt and then hopefully, you can get creative with it!
2. Color generators
This is one more for digital artists, unless you do it the old fashioned, eyes closed, wiggle your fingers around and grab 3 markers. Color generators are very fun forgetting new ideas for characters.
3. Working on your weakness
Focus on working on things you arent strong and good at with drawing. This helps improve your skills AND fill your sketchbook
4. Still Life
drawing still lifes is a way to improve your perspective and broaden your expirience with using new medias
Theses are all things I use to fill up my sketchbook that make it thick and juicy!
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