Note app sucides remember me

And we all burned our sucide notes and let the ashes fall on our flesh 

I couldn’t anymore 
Couldn’t burn trees hollowed out from the core just out of self hate 
Spend nights on end spiraling into notes app sucides while that stupid song abt trees telling me I’m the f@ggot 
Know I’m just stuck and spiraling into hell of confusion what is the way we turn to the west when suns set into the collapsing skies 
I wish it never got like that dandruff and disassociation for days on end 
I cant even figure out what the fuck my gender is, how am i suppose to join the means of production and get over room spinning ptsd in the next 3 years
I literally hate it all let me live I’m 16 and 16 lighter flicks away from softly moving my fingers across the ash on my stumach 

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