So I went to bed at 9:30 pm … (WHICH IS AN ABSOLUTE SHOCKER FOR ME but I bought some new [REDACTED] and it absolutely annihilated me)- for some reason I just woke up at 2:30 am, can’t go back to bed and just decided to type away.
For the past, oh Idk maybe few weeks I’ve been at the habit of going to bed at 7 am and waking up at 4 pm but I start my new tattoo apprenticeship on April first (DUNDFJJD BY THE WAY SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT. If u need any anime manga panels done by a kool kidd im the gal for u heh) and im gonna have to get my sleep schedule in order by then. 0.0 if you have an awful sleep schedule I’d love to hear about it, LMAOO it’s become such a problem. Weirdly enough I personally feel like I get so much more out of my day when I stay up at night, I also feel my most productive. But nothings open all night anymore so I miss out on a lot of fun stuff :(
P.s. [REDACTED] = 🍃 for some reason I thought putting that in was hilarious ignore my dumb humor. 💀
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