my dream about a zombie apocalypse and how I got mad at my family

I had a dream about a zombie  apocalypse, so what happened was I was getting chased by a woman I kept crying and screaming for dear life! Then I saw my cousin I almost ran up to her... until I realized she had turned into a zombie!! I ran to my house and looked everywhere and didn't find anyone but my sister and turns out she was also a zombie so I cried and ran out the house. I had my phone with me so I tried to call my friend she didn't answer the phone so I ran towards her house. I saw broken glass and nothing inside the house so I took their side by side. I saw good clothing at stores but didn't bother to get it because there were zombies behind me. I drove all the way to the air port and finally saw my family they were shocked to see me when I ran up to them I told them that we have to leave asap b4 we die and so we went on some thing that didn't look like a plane. I saw my ELA teacher there and I said hi she saw me with a surprised and relived look and said hello. no one knew where they were going which made them panic and my ELA teacher was like "everyone calm down I will tell you where we're going because ya'll obviously don't know how to read the directions". The ELA teacher said that "we're going to Japan, it's the most best place to go if there is a zombie apocalypse because they have a huge robot that could protect them". I asked my family if they brought my money so we can get food and stuff on the way to Japan and they said no so I got mad and that's how my dream ended.

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