ok i know i chat a lot of bs on here but now i realise i might as well use this platform to actually rant and see if there are other people in the same situation as me.
i am from a muslim family but me personally i practice hinduism; probably gonna get a lot of hate for that but i literally don’t care i’ll just block. Anyways it’s Holi tmrw, for those of you that don’t know in summary it’s the festival of colours - there’s more to it and i can go further into detail if anyones curious. But yes as Holi is coming up the least i want to do is go to the temple, seems easy right but the dilemma is my family don’t know i’ve left Islam. And honestly i’m not going to tell anyone simply because i want to keep the peace in the house. I’ll be honest i think anything to do with my identity i’ve kept a secret from my family because i just know if i am who i really am at home, they wont accept me for it and i don’t want to ruin their idea of me if that makes sense - i’m a people pleaser can u tell. So that’s that but it’s sad because 1) i live in an area where there are barely any poc let alone hindus bc i moved out of ldn :( and 2) obv like i said my family don’t know and oh yeah guess what it’s my brothers birthday too so i can’t even lie and say i’m going to my friends house but instead go to the temple 😭. But yeah i think just being deprived of a hindu community around me and also not being able to celebrate the first few big holy events in hinduism it’s just depressing because it’s a huge part of me - hinduism literally saved my life as cheesy as it sounds it made me feel like i belonged to the universe and that the world is bigger than i once thought it was.
does anyone else struggle w something similar bc honestly i feel like hiding who you are from the people you love and live with us so detrimental to your mental health and id love to start a discussion.
also fellow hindus hmu ily i need more of u ppl in my life x
Love Mya x
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Ngl Im not very into religion coming From Christian family that forced it down my throat. But I find a strange sort of comfort and gravitation towards Hinduism and I’m learning more and I know the basics but I don’t know everything if anyone in this comment section could tell me more about Hinduism that I probably don’t know I’d appreciate it.
omg honestly i’m going to write you a whole essay. for me religion was suffocating because obviously the abrahamic religions tend to be fear mongering, idk whether it’s a control tactic or wtv but it just didn’t sit right with me although i still do respect them. so i honestly didn’t think i would ever be religious but the problem was i didn’t want to call myself an atheist because i felt a strong connection to higher being, a god the universe whatever you wanna call it. then i started to look into dharmic faith (bhuddism, hinduism, sikhism etc.) and i found so much comfort in hinduism, simply because your spiritual journey is your own, it is much more complex and that’s what makes it beautiful, there is no straight path everyone has their own way of connecting to god since god made us all unique. a big misconception of hinduism is that it’s a polytheistic religion however it’s actually monotheistic but there are different forms/representations of god because people are so different and would want to associate with a god that has a similar personality. that’s just one small thing about it. however i really really recommend watching sadhguru on youtube and hindu academy if you want to learn more they’re really helpful x
by Mya
I so relate to EVERYTHING you said. I also really love the way that they separate the different forms of brahman into deities so you can pray to specific deity based on what prayer you want to give to Brahman. Also thx for the recommendation I’ll def watch sum videos
by Harlo; ; Report
Hinduism saved my life too, and from myself. Ma Durga has helped me out so much in my life I can't even begin to express how much she has helped me. My entire family Christian so I understand the non acceptance part.
You will have your whole life to celebrate the holidays, but i'm guessing for now just stay under the radar until it's safe. The number one thing is to stay safe.
WE ARE THE SAME MAA DURGA GIVES ME SM COMFORT and i’m so happy you find your way to hinduism i hope your family become more open to tryout identity and beliefs bc it’s the worst feeling like an outsider in your own home
by Mya
ugh i totally get it. my family is mega christian but im pagan and believe in irish gods and its hard trying to keep it away because i know the judgement is gonna b hard. on top of that im gay so im stuck
same omg everything about my identity is hidden
by Mya
hey myaa, i feelll youu gurlll, i also come from a muslim family and also not a beliver for islam, im a pagan, im a devotee of a mexican folk saint, her name is santa muerte,,, i dont really think my fam would be okay w my belief system which kinda sucks especially when its the day of the dead and i want to celebrate33
Ramadan is coming soon(dont get me wrong i love the vibes of ramadan) but the thing is i donttt want too fastt!!!
Anyho luv, please dont always keep trying to please ppl,,, goo to the temple live your life, just make sure ur safe, so u dont get in trouble w ur parents.
honestly i admire islam but it’s not something i want to practice and having to mask my whole identity for a month where i’m expected to pray with family and fast is overwhelming; i love the vibes like it’s serene and peaceful but since there’s the pressure of hiding who i am and what i practice and conform to their standards is just making me upset more than anything - like i can’t really be myself
by Mya
hey, i totally get what you are saying. My entire family is seventh day adventist and im not anymore. Ive been going to church with them and not saying anything but ive been drawn to spirituality lately and i can tell its what im actually interested in. I hope the both of us can be our true selves soon love.
it’s just sad because we spend most our time with them and give them all our love but we have to hide who we are just to keep everyone happy :/ like everyone else gets to be happy but us just because we have different views
by Mya
that sounds really hard to deal with :(
I can kinda relate to you. i'm ex-muslim and i still live with my muslim family but I don't belive in any other religion yet (agnostic). it's really hard for us to be ourselves
that was me for a while until i discovered hinduism, i think because it’s deep rooted in bengali culture (as i’m bengali) i felt more connected to it. it’s so hard just living our lives and even harder when you have a religion like hinduism to hide - like i can’t even do something as pure as pray at home because i’m again keeping the peace. even for you i bet you have to hide the most innocent things because they’re “sins” and it’s tiring, i understand why they want us to act certain ways because they believe that’s how we’ll get into “heaven” but i’ve gotten to a point where i wish they were understanding and it wasn’t always us being the understanding ones because not everyone has the same beliefs and that’s okay
by Mya