High school bullying and harassment.

Why do high school kids love to spread fucking rumors? and love harassing others and posting mean shit on social media? Why do they feel the need to belittle other students just so they can have free entertainment? What is the POINT. 10th fucking time someone has posted a picture or video of me and y friends on their socials. I was messing around with my friend and they recorded us and posted it on their story. When they had been confronted about it they called us "barking bitches"  like what the fuck? Theres no need for this, just get back to your daily life and fuck off oh my god. Is there a need to do this? no. Is there a reason you did this? not really, so just stop. Its really not funny.

What gives you the right to treat other human beings like this? If I posted stories of you everyday and called you names and harassed you to your face, how would you feel? would you want to keep living? would you want to get out of bed in the morning? would you want to ever leave your room? Probably not. You've never been harassed like this so you have NO idea how this affects my every day life. Its the little things that make the biggest impact.

2 Kudos


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