I like to believe that the afterlife is real, i honestly don't know what happens when we die. One thing i do know is that i'm terrified of growing old and being forgotten. i like to think that when you die you go to a place similar to heaven where everyone you love is waiting for you, like your own personal paradise and the light that many people have reported seeing is the 'rainbow bridge' that you cross on your way.
I've talked to lots of people who believe in reincarnation and the light people see is the light of the hospital room that babies are born into. i partially believe in both, i believe in a paradise because that's what i want to be true and i believe in reincarnation because of the reports of young children knowing the ins and outs of unsolved murder cases and even in some very rare cases taking the police to a body they hadn't discovered(might not be true, don't quote me)
I also believe that people who commit truly heinous acts go to hell, described in the Christian bible. a fiery pit of eternal torture. I don't mean people who commit robberies i mean paedophiles, rapists and serial killers and zoopheliacs you know people who truly don't deserve to be happy. this obviously doesn't apply to paedophiles who have never hurt a child in any way at all because although it is utterly disgusting its a problem that there is no cure for and they can't help.
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