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Category: Life

Heaven's Gate

 Heaven's gate was one of the most craziest cult stories (besides Jone'stown) I think I've ever read. The fact that this man Marshall Applewhite was able to convince, no manipulate a group people to join him in his belief that they would be given new bodies by extraterrestrials and then they would ascend to a spaceship (UFO religion.) Which don't get me wrong people can believe whatever they want but when it comes down to them killing themselves over it? but we can't blame them here because they're the victims, we don't know what they were thinking or why they followed this man, maybe some were so desperate to believe in a higher power, maybe some were lonely, or maybe Marshall Applewhite was making some good points. At the end of the day it doesn't matter why it happened 39 people lost their lives by ritual suicides (Marshall Applewhite included), thinking the comet Hale-Bopp was the mothership. Right before the mass suicide their website was updated saying "Hale-Bopp brings closure to Heaven's Gate...our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion-'graduation' from the Human Evolutionary level. We are happily prepared to leave 'this world' and go with Ti's crew"

I highly suggest looking up videos of Marshall Applewhite speaking, mans looks crazy.

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The craziest part is that they listened to him so resolutely that they "boarded the spaceship" in groups and they cleaned up after each group so the next group could "board" and they still all went through with it.

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I know when I read that part I couldn't believe it, the whole story just doesn't seem real for how far out there it is

by GhostFace's Slut; ; Report

Some people are just specifically talented at manipulating people's fears and insecurities into undivided faith.

by Valentine; ; Report