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Category: Romance and Relationships

This is what it felt like being drank from...

After several moments, he released my lip and moved back from me slightly (his hands lingered around my waist though). Then, slowly as if preparing himself, he took my wrist into his hands; I gasped as he pulled it towards his mouth, preparing for this wholly new experience, not knowing what sensations to expect. I saw my wrist, pale and slender, dangling limply by his mouth as he inhaled sharply; as if he smelled my scent like I imagined wolves must smell each other (I know he was a vampire, but still). Then, with his other hand he drew back the sleeve of my hoodie, exposing my arm; he gazed at it curiously, studying its smoothness, as if he were memorizing it. I smiled shyly, feeling pampered under his scrutiny; like he appreciated my beauty, which I was still getting used to—Caleb had a way of making me feel special; like he'd noticed things nobody else saw, like he saw me as no ordinary girl; like I mattered to him, and he cherished me.

He leaned forward again as if hypnotized, and his wintry lips grazed my flesh deliciously—he enjoyed tasting my pulse like I were his dessert. His wet kiss touched an erogenous zone on my wrist, causing me to gasp and shudder involuntarily as the nerves across my body rippled. He bit my pulse point, marking me as his own; delicately, drawing blood—which trickled down his chin, dripping onto his shirt.

The sensation of a vampire's bite is... uniquely good: though it stung, at first, as my skin was pierced by his sharp teeth, which slid into my flesh as if it were dallops of cream; I reflexively squeaked like prey caught unaware, and instinctively grabbed hold of his shoulder, clinging tightly to safety. And although I cried out softly (my voice quivering), he didn't stop, nor did he hurt me; he continued sucking, pulling my blood into his mouth, licking it like luscious ice-cream. But then his buried fangs—shooting pain, but coated like novacaine—began to dissolve the hurt, like ice cubes in water: I felt the venom numb me perfectly, first crawling into my arm, causing it to go limp: my sense of touch dulled, my skin relaxed, and my arm became heavy like it'd sunken into warm mud. Then that melting wave of numbness crept along my entire body like a blanket, leaving me feeling warm and safe, like I'd been wrapped in cotton wool. 

I began to feel lightheaded and drunk, like I'd taken pills that left me euphoric; like I was floating in outer space, reeling with delightful sensations like sweet jolts in a pleasure palace where nothing hurt. The drug of his venom was intoxicating, and I welcomed it like a lover, wanting it to last forever; like I'd never have to feel afraid or sad again. I started giggling uncontrollably, like I had inhaled laughing gas and had now become a silly child. I tested my voice in a loopy sing-song tone: "Ahh hahh hahhh..." which amused me immensely; and Caleb, like a proud artist, admired my mirth by soberly staring into my eyes: he seemed satisfied that I was enjoying myself, and his fingers entwined themselves behind my neck, holding me securely (in my loopy state, his hold felt comforting and protective, and giddily I snuggled back against his hand). His mouth remained on my wrist, continuing to draw my blood with slow, deliberate movements; hungry, yet gentle, as though he feared hurting me (even though I couldn't feel a thing).

When I looked down at my wrist, I saw it glowing red as if lit from within—it seemed as though it were burning, but I didn't feel any heat radiating from it; which only made my giggles more intense, like they bubbled out of me like bubbles bursting in soda pop (I don't know why, but that image popped into my head... pop...) "Hah hah," I hummed in a soft pitch, "What am I gonna do?" I asked, just watching the blood flow steadily from my arm and pooling on his shirt collar.

With his eyes, Caleb smiled; his head, upon my wrist, was eye level to me—he held my arm between us, and stared deep into me with his ruby red pupils; I was mesmerized by their color; I couldn't take my eyes off them, transfixed: I watched them seem to take the whole of my vision, swallowing everything until I lost track of myself and my surroundings, and found myself staring directly into his soul; I felt like he'd reached inside me and stolen pieces of my heart. I saw only red: crimson pools swallowing my mind; like I was falling into them, and losing myself completely. Garnet, scarlet, wine, vermillion, burgundy, ruby...

My dissociative gaze drifted down to my veins, where I saw a girl's left wrist inserted into Caleb's mouth, so wide like a hungry wolf, his fangs glistening like jewels as they drew blood from me. His tongue swirled like liquid mercury, sliding over my blood. I moaned softly as I watched him, letting go of my inhibitions as I accepted his gift; I relaxed, surrendering entirely to his power; like I belonged to him and he owned my body. It felt good, and I wasn't afraid anymore; I let him drink my blood, like it was natural and normal; I trusted him implicitly; he knew what he was doing, and I trusted his instincts. I gave myself to him like a cherry popsicle melting in the sun; I melted, and I became his vessel, like butter becoming toast, like water becoming vitae. 

I loved him with every fiber of my being, and I willingly offered my lifeblood. It made me happy knowing I was giving him food; he deserved nourishment like any creature; he needed blood to survive, and I understood it better than anyone before me. I was a fruit bat, and he was a carnivorous vampire; we were meant to eat one another; it was only natural. I didn't fear death; I welcomed it; I'd die happily if it meant he would live; I was willing to sacrifice myself for him; and I was sure he'd do the same for me (if it came to that). But if I could be in his garden forever, I wouldn't complain.

I fell against him, slinging my free arm around his shoulder like a stretch of taffy, and pressed my cheek against his neck; I closed my eyes and basked in his now-flowing warmth, and his strength; I breathed deeply, smelling hot pennies; feeling his heartbeat like a resonant cello string; hearing the thud of his pulse synchronized with bassy moths fluttering through my ears. I was distantly aware that his arm held my entire weight, keeping me upright even though my muscles were now as useless as damp linens. I was drowsy, and floating; I felt safe, secure, and protected; like I belonged; like I'd finally found my place; I'd always known this moment awaited me, and I'd waited patiently; I'd dreamed of it all my life, waited for him to show up and save me—and I'd never have to worry about anything ever again.

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