Joker is gay

Why I fully support Batman x joker. Batman is a love deprived lonley asshole who I dearly love with all my heart, and since the death of his parents he became some bat dude or whatever. When Batman was created he was supposed to be gay (ex. a scene where he wakes up next to Robin, where they are interpreted to be in a homosexual relationship with each other) but later on if comics authors wanted to get a pg13 mark on thier comics they had to make all the “good guys” un able to show any signs of homosexuality.

Although it was still possible to leave it for the villains, so kids would associate good with straight relationships and bad with homosexuality. Ironically enough, later on to prove Batmans heterosexuality they made a new character for him - batwoman, who some time later came out to be a lesbian . But anyways this is where jokers character comes in. This is also where joker being queer coded comes in- His character is supposed to portray mental illness, but in a negative way. Joker and Batman were made in the early 30-40’s, and at that point in time being homosexual or even mentally I’ll wasn’t accepted at all, and eventually was told to shut down joker’s homosexual tension between Batman. but the creators tried their best to fit in any sort of romance between them, enemies or not. In the death of the family (comic) joker proceeds to make several sex jokes, he also repeatedly calls batman names like “darling”. In other comic he admits he loves batman when catwoman says so, and in other he just straight up says it himself (f.e. The dark knight returns - “I never kept count.”-joker

“I did. “-batman

“I know. And I love you for it”)-joker.

As another example, In Arkham knight alone during the final fight between Batman and Joker well under the dose of fear toxin we get to see Jokers worst fear. As Batman defeats Joker and puts him into a cell Joker calls out ‘No Bruce! wait! Don’t leave me! Please! I need you!’ Throughout this whole game however Joker continuously says that he and Batman need eachother and that they were even made for eachother. Joker consistently says that he and the Batman are made for eachother and even one in the same. Batman being the one to leave him is Jokers worst fear, because Joker needs and is in love with the bat. Joker doesn’t let anybody hurt Batman other then him, and Batman tries to stop anyone from killing him. They Will only allow each other to try, and Batman even holds back. killing eachother isn’t the most romantic, But when Batman is in danger of dying, joker is always somewhere around to make sure he doesn’t die because he refuses to have anyone else kill him. They care about each other and it’s shown in various comics, shows, movies, games, etc. Also, Joker has stated his love for Batman on MULTIPLE occasions, and in a canon DC comic, they do kiss. The Lego Batman movie (2017) Is obviously canon, made with DC, about Batman and joker. It is more focused on Batman and his relationships with other people, But mostly jokers. In the beginning, they use coded words for dating, such as “fighting around” as in dating here and there, “what we have is special”..As in a real special relationship. “Your worst enemy” as in a romantic relationship. Near the end of the movie Batman realizes how much he needs joker and how much joker needs him, and with that, he tells him. They make a joke with eavhother “you had me at shut up” FROM A ROMANCE MOVIE!! Joker and Batman hold hands and save the city together. In the death of the family comic, Batman is trying his best to look for smth, for a man, a human, in joker. And he does. He (CANONLY AND I WILL PROVIDE THE PICTURE) says “and when you saw those pupils expand, just for you, you saw  love”.  

3 Kudos


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gio dorito

gio dorito's profile picture

damn u got sources and everything, i can't even argue with u. excellent work my guy

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WYATTORA's profile picture


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Ixcelle's profile picture

this is real, I said so pal

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dave's profile picture

woah man !

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